Loving #StarTrekResurgence but I wish I could walk around the ship a bit more. I guess it not being an iconic vessel I’d recognise from the shows and movies, maybe that wouldn’t be as much fun as I think.
¡Larga vida y prosperidad! Star Trek: Resurgence llegará en formato físico para PlayStation y Xbox
#noticias #meridiemgames #startrekresurgence
I finally have the house to myself on a weekend and some time to play #StarTrekResurgence! So I’m super excited, run to my den, turn on my console, ready to play, and my #XBOX says NOT SO FAST! You have to spend 30 minutes doing #updates first!
#startrekresurgence #xbox #updates #startrek
I finally have the house to myself on a weekend and some time to play #StarTrekResurgence! So I’m super excited, run to my den, turn on my console, ready to play, and my #XBOX says NOT SO FAST! You have to spend 30 minutes doing #updates first! But this game doesn’t have an online component. Can’t I just skip it and do it later? #ThatsAHardNo
#startrekresurgence #xbox #updates #thatsahardno
Another Session of #startrekresurgence completed, and oh boy :)
Havent finished the story yet but goddamn is it a story :)
Episode 4 of my #StarTrekResurgence playthrough! #GXA https://youtu.be/40lxYtceY9k
Episode 3 of my #StarTrekResurgence playthrough! #GXA https://youtu.be/TKsRMHHTB2o
Episode 2 of my #StarTrekResurgence playthrough! #GXA https://youtu.be/g50U6re2SZY
Erster Eindruck des Star Trek games #StarTrekResurgence ist sehr gut. Ich fühl die Story richtig 😃. Toll mal wieder ein game im Star trek Universum zu haben wo man teil der Crew ist :)
Just picked up #StarTrekResurgence. Super excited to play. I've been on a huge Star Trek kick lately with the wrap of Picard. Looks like it's a story driven, your choices matter, type game and I love those. *fingers crossed* it's good.
Im watching
for now. Once he is done streaming I will try to jump online. Come watch with me he is playing #StarTrekResurgence
After several hours behind the proverbial wheel, I feel confident saying that #startrekresurgence is pretty good! It has the story and narrative chops of a top tier #StarTrekTNG episode with just enough action to spice things up every so often. Our main characters - Diaz and Rydek - are well defined and feel like real people. The same goes for most of the crew and alien characters. I just wish this game had a bit more time in the oven for gameplay refinement and audio/visual refinement.
#startrektng #startrekresurgence
First episode of my #StarTrekResurgence playthrough! https://youtu.be/bi7O_Kh7nSQ
Feelin' cute. Won't delete. Will be playing the new #StarTrekResurgence on Twitch though!
Come hang out!
Ich wollte den #EpicStore eigentlich meiden. Bei #StarTrekResurgence bin ich allerdings schwach geworden.
Das Spiel ist eine Aneinanderreihung banaler Quicktime-Events auf dem Niveau "klicken zum in der Nase bohren". Aber die eigentlichen Probleme: kein Optionsmenu zum invertieren der Steuerung oder irgendwelcher anderer relevanter Einstellungen UND ich kann das Spiel nicht beenden, weil es dabei immer wieder abstürzt!
Positiv: Ich kann das refunden des Epis-Stores testen...
#epicstore #startrekresurgence
È fuori fin da ora, Martedì 23 Maggio, su PC e Consolle, il nuovo videogame ambientato nell'universo di Star Trek: "Star Trek: Resurgence"
#startrekresurgence #startrekuniverse #StarTrek
TUTTE LE INFO QUI > https://www.extratrek.it/2023/05/23/star-trek-resurgence-esce-oggi-23-maggio-2023-il-nuovo-videogame-ambientato-nelluniverso-di-star-trek/
#startrekresurgence #StarTrekUniverse #startrek