Paramount+ Gives Series Order to Drama "Star Trek: Starfleet Academy" Created by Alex Kurtzman and Noga Landau #StarTrekStarfleetAcademy #StarTrek #StarfleetAcademy #ParamountPlus #Paramount
#paramount #paramountplus #starfleetacademy #startrek #startrekstarfleetacademy
Oh...oh... Seems Star Trek: StarFleet Academy is on the table. This concept has been jinxed for a very long time.
But the details say the academy just reopened after over a hundred years. Ergo, post Burn timeline/32nd century.
Ergo...was the episode with Tilley and those cadets an unannounced backdoor pilot? Please tell me yes, because if they CAN overcome the jinx, that means moar Tilley! MORE TILLEY! I can hope. #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrekStarFleetAcademy
#startrek #startrekdiscovery #startrekstarfleetacademy
🚨ULTIMA ORA 🚨 Paramount conferma la produzione di una serie di Star Trek
Leggi di più nell'articolo 🔀
#StarTrekItalia #Fantascieza #SCIFI #ParamountPlus #StarTrekUniverse #startrekstarfleetacademy
#StarTrekItalia #fantascieza #scifi #ParamountPlus #StarTrekUniverse #startrekstarfleetacademy
Doug Jones's Saru would be a great teacher. Mary Wiseman's Tilly would be a good choice too for this show.
With Discovery coming to an end, lets hope for some characters to cross over.
RT @TrekMovie
*BREAKING* ‘Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’ Series Officially Announced
#StarTrekStarfleetAcademy #StarTrek
#startrekstarfleetacademy #startrek
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy - Ordered to Series by Paramount+
#StarTrekStarfleetAcademy #TV #Television #ParamountPlus #Paramount #ParamountPlus #Paramount
#startrekstarfleetacademy #tv #television #paramountplus #paramount