Erster #Schultag in #NRW! Seid nett zu den Kindern, Eltern, Lehrer*innen... die mussten heute alle wieder 6:30 Uhr aufstehen 🥱
Und allen Kids einen tollen Start ins neue Schuljahr! 💪
#startschoollater #nrw #Schultag
RT @terraziporyn
"For decades we’ve ignored the overwhelming evidence that delayed start times help teens succeed. Let teenagers sleep. There is nothing 'woke” about that" - The Editors, Scientific American
#startschoollater @StartSchoolL8r
That crazy coping strategy where you go back to bed after the kids are off to school 🌖 😴 #startSchoolLater
Every #Nashville Metro Schools kid this morning, but especially the highschoolers that start school at 7am and have to be on the bus at 6:15am.
It is sheer lunacy that we make our teenagers get up before 6am. Studies have repeatedly shown that adolescents' natural sleep rhythms are later on average, and that when schools changed the schedule to 9am (like the #MNPS middle school kids) you'd see an immediate improvement in test scores, mental health, behavioral issues, etc.
#nashville #mnps #startschoollater
For some reason day 2 of “back to normal” stupid early starts feels way worse than day 1. #startschoollater
Oh and I read the times wrong. Civil twilight starts at 6.52am tomorrow. Sunrise itself not until 7.23am. Ugh. #startschoollater
Looks unlikely to be clear tomorrow though either. Oh well. Just a walk in the dark then! #startschoollater
A cold and very dark bus stop for my high school age daughter this morning - but the crescent Moon with Earthshine was stunning. And I put on the holiday lights to cheer us up too. Just two more 6.30am bus stops to go in 2022. #startschoollater #healthystarttimes
#startschoollater #healthystarttimes
School starts too early in Germany 😠 #startSchoolLater #circadianRhythm
#circadianrhythm #startschoollater
No bus stop #astronomy this morning because thanks to the clock shift it was daylight at 6.30am for the high schoolers bus. #startschoollater