@JohnShirley2023 #strangenewworlds #starttek
Great fun as a one off. Not something I’d watch on the regular… unless the Klingon boy band was a regular. Throw in some Ferengi and I’m sold. Can you imagine Quark singing “It’s all about the Benjamin Siskos?”😂
Fantasy Island for you, Khaaaaaaannnn!!! #StarTrekTOS #StarTtek
#StarTrekTOS #starttek #takeafictionalcharacteronvacation #HashtagGames #hashitout
Today (April 25th) is the anniversary of Skin of Evil, aka the most pointless death in #starttek history. RIP Tasha Yar :(
Bei bestimmten Punkten gebe ich ihm Recht. Dass eine 700 Meter Galaxy wie der Millenium Falke durch einen Borg Cube fliegt, ist Unsinn. Aber hey, Wein doch alleine. https://www.heise.de/meinung/Zum-Ende-der-3-Staffel-Mit-Picard-stirbt-auch-die-Hoffnung-auf-gutes-Star-Trek-8976302.html #starttek #1701D
Weisheiten von Captain Picard 👏
#picard #starttek #nextgeneration #zitate
#picard #starttek #nextgeneration #zitate
I’m supposed not to like Captain Shaw, but honestly, he’s just following the rules, like 95% of Starfleet.
#Starfleet #shaw #picard #starttek
Hello 👋 I’m Cameron and I’m from the UK. I currently work as Engineering Manager for a online marketplace, I have a background as an #iOS engineer with over 12 years experience. After work I’ll be spending time with my family & monkeying around with my two boys. In the spare time I have left after all that I’ll probably be playing on my Switch, reading tech blogs, watching PointFree.co content or zonked out in front of the TV. I especially love #scifi and #starttek. That’s my #introduction.
#iOS #scifi #starttek #introduction
Mann kann den kulturellen Einfluss von #starttek auf die echte Welt, vor allem in unserem Orbit, nicht überschätzen.
gedeonm@mastodon.social - The fact NASA developed an espresso cup for microgravity is impressive but not nearly as impressive as Astronaut Samantha Cristoforett’s outfit here which looks like she came straight from the bridge of the Starship Voyager. #StarTrek
Seit 2020 arbeiten wir nun schon daran, allen #starttek Serien und den Filmen je ein eigenes Buch zu widmen. Herausgekommen sind bislang knapp 1800 Seiten. Ein echtes Mammutwerk. 🙂