Calochortus tolmiei aka star tulip, nickname pussy ears.
Another magical ca native, that readily spreads if you weedwhack after its set seeds. A little colony in a grassy area next to my driveway, has become a sizable colony in just three years. There are pros and cons to this. Weed whacking also spread another ca native, cheery western buttercups ( ranuncula) which will destroy your socks with burs.
#calochortustolmiei #startulip #canativeplants
Calochortus tolmiei aka star tulip or pussy ears
Another magical ca native, that readily spreads if you weedwhack after its set seeds. A little colony in a grassy area next to my driveway, has become a sizable colony in just three years. There are pros and cons to this. Weed whacking also spread another ca native, the cheery western buttercups ( ranuncula) which will destroy your socks with burs.
#calochortustolmiei #startulip #canativeplants