Nails are done and now it is time for #StarWars5e with M, @integgroll , and two other of our friends! We're heading to the end of the story arc, which is pretty bittersweet. We have some pretty fun characters and storylines we haven't got to explore, but the break from game will be nice since it started during the pandemic and we're unsure about the level of support the game will get in the future by the folks who update/maintain the game system and site. But when we get back together in a month or so, we're going to give a #Spelljammer game a try with the same group, so that should be pretty fun!
Here's a snapshot of our current #TTRPG list
The last 5 #roleplayinggames we GMed:
The next 5 #rpgs we want to GM (or about to, again or for the 1st time):
What about the #rpg list as a player? Here's what we're playing:
#ttrpg #roleplayinggames #spelljammer #honeyheist #scumandvillainy #fate #TalesFromTheLoop #rpgs #CyberpunkRED #savageworlds #theflux #alien #startrekadventures #rpg #starwars5e #dungeonsAndDragons #gurps #roleplayingame