El 7 de septiembre de 1985 se estrenan las series animadas Star Wars: Droids y Star Wars: Ewoks.
On September 7, 1985, the animated series Star Wars: Droids and Star Wars: Ewoks premiered.
#ewoks #droids #starwarsewoks #starwarsdroids #starwars
Gizmodo: Zombie Droids Are the Least Interesting Thing About Star Wars Comics' New Zombie Droids Event https://gizmodo.com/star-wars-dark-droids-droid-religion-sentience-marvel-1850701540 #galacticrepublic #starwarscomics #starwarsdroids #internetmemes #travislanham #alexsinclair #charlessoule #emiliaclarke #doctoraphra #darkempire #darthvader #palpatine #lucasfilm #starwars #lukeross #disney #droid #c3po #ajax #sith #ig11
#galacticrepublic #starwarscomics #starwarsdroids #internetmemes #travislanham #alexsinclair #charlessoule #emiliaclarke #doctoraphra #darkempire #darthvader #palpatine #lucasfilm #starwars #lukeross #disney #droid #c3po #ajax #sith #ig11
El 7 de junio de 1986 se transmite "The Great Heep", episodio especial de la serie animada Star Wars: Droids.
On June 7, 1986, "The Great Heep", a special episode of the animated series Star Wars: Droids, airs.
#starwarsdroids #thegreatheep #starwars
El 30 de noviembre de 1985 se transmite el último episodio de la serie animada Star Wars: Droids.
On November 30, 1985, the last episode of the animated series Star Wars: Droids was broadcast.
#droids #starwarsdroids #starwars