El 11 de agosto de 1976 nace el compositor Jesse Harlin.
On August 11, 1976, composer Jesse Harlin was born.
#StarWars #JesseHarlin #RepublicCommando #StarWarsTheOldRepublic
#starwarstheoldrepublic #republiccommando #jesseharlin #starwars
Gizmodo: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Is Still Blowing Minds, 20 Years Later https://gizmodo.com/star-wars-knights-old-republic-bioware-interview-20th-1850633925 @news@lemmy.seedoubleyou.me #starwarsknightsoftheoldrepublic #singleplayervideogames #starwarstheoldrepublic #roleplayingvideogames #starwarsvideogames #genndytartakovsky #lucasfilmgames #drewkarpyshyn #johngallagher #windowsgames #simonjeffery #georgelucas #bastilashan #caseyhudson #jamesohlen #darthrevan #derekwatts #bioware
#starwarsknightsoftheoldrepublic #singleplayervideogames #starwarstheoldrepublic #roleplayingvideogames #starwarsvideogames #genndytartakovsky #lucasfilmgames #drewkarpyshyn #johngallagher #windowsgames #simonjeffery #georgelucas #bastilashan #caseyhudson #jamesohlen #darthrevan #derekwatts #bioware
Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare assicura che continuerà ad essere supportato con nuovi contenuti
#Bioware #electronicarts #starwarstheoldrepublic
Star Wars: The Old Republic, lo sviluppo passa nelle mani di uno studio di terze parti: BioWare concentrata su Mass Effect e Dragon Age per un report
#Bioware #BroadswordOnlineGames #ElectronicArts #StarWarsTheOldRepublic
#Bioware #broadswordonlinegames #electronicarts #starwarstheoldrepublic
El 27 de abril de 1990 nace Marco Valerio Antonini, compositor de música para el videojuego Star Wars: The Old Republic - Legacy of the Sith.
On April 27, 1990, Marco Valerio Antonini, music composer for the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic - Legacy of the Sith, was born.
#StarWars #MarcoValerioAntonini #StarWarsTheOldRepublic #LegacyOfTheSith
#legacyofthesith #starwarstheoldrepublic #marcovalerioantonini #starwars
It would appear that the public test for Star Wars: The Old Republic’s new 64-bit client is going exactly as it’s intended. #StarWarsTheOldRepublic https://gamesense.co/game/star-wars-the-old-republic/news/discuss/star-wars-the-old-republic-s-64-bit-client-test-tries-to-contend-with-stubborn-crashing-problems/
Moving my main presence here from bjaudette@mastodon.gamedev.place so I don't feel disruptive for being "off topic".
I'm 20+ year #GameDev vet. I've worked on #AsheronsCall2, #WarhammerOnline, #StarWarsTheOldRepublic, #Anthem, and currently #DragonAgeDreadwolf. In ancient times I led the design for an unfinished #Crytek game called #Engalus. I'm an occasional music reviewer and essayist for the #Austin blog #OVRLD and while I don't live in #ATX anymore I still keep up with the scene.
#atx #ovrld #austin #engalus #Crytek #DragonAgeDreadwolf #anthem #starwarstheoldrepublic #WarhammerOnline #asheronscall2 #gamedev
Players of Star Wars: The Old Republic who are deep in the game’s Galactic Season 3, listen up: The season’s newest series of objectives are online, offering a list of daily and weekly activities to complete between now and February 7th. #StarWarsTheOldRepublic https://gamesense.co/game/star-wars-the-old-republic/news/discuss/star-wars-the-old-republic-outlines-this-month-s-objectives-for-the-current-galactic-season/
So I'm watching a group of Imperials wreck havoc near me aannnd...I get hit with a snowball. #SWTOR #StarWarsTheOldRepublic
#swtor #starwarstheoldrepublic
El 20 de diciembre de 2011 sale a la venta el videojuego Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition, que incluye un CD con su soundtrack.
On December 20, 2011, the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition goes on sale, it includes a CD with its soundtrack.
#starwarstheoldrepublic #starwarssoundtrack #starwars
El 20 de diciembre de 2011 sale a la venta el videojuego Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition, que incluye un CD con su soundtrack.
On December 20, 2011, the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition goes on sale, it includes a CD with its soundtrack.
#starwarstheoldrepublic #starwarssoundtrack #starwars
I just uploaded a VOD of Star Wars: The Old Republic. I used a random number generator to make choices in the game.
#YouTube #StarWars #StarWarsTheOldRepublic #Twitch #SWTOR #game #gaming #gamer #YouTuber #Hispanicgamer #disabledgamer #HispanicYouTuber #disabledYouTuber #Hispanicstreamer #disabledstreamer
#youtube #starwars #starwarstheoldrepublic #twitch #swtor #game #gaming #gamer #Youtuber #Hispanicgamer #disabledgamer #HispanicYouTuber #disabledYouTuber #Hispanicstreamer #disabledstreamer
I got out of a cut scene and this happened. 🤣
#YouTube #shorts #YouTubeshorts #StarWars #StarWarsTheOldRepublic #SWTOR #gaming #gamer #lol #wtf #humor #Hispanicgamer #disabledgamer #HispanicYouTuber #disabledYouTuber
#youtube #shorts #youtubeshorts #starwars #starwarstheoldrepublic #swtor #gaming #gamer #lol #wtf #humor #Hispanicgamer #disabledgamer #HispanicYouTuber #disabledYouTuber
Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 7.2 brings some much needed quality of life changes. #StarWarsTheOldRepublic https://gamesense.co/game/star-wars-the-old-republic/news/discuss/star-wars-the-old-republic-7.2-unveils-next-major-game-update-showdown-on-ruhnuk/
Also, with is with fashion in #StarWars? This hat is ugly as all get out, but it's not the worst. All throughout all the media, there are a lot of people in frumpy outfits.
No wonder the Galactic Empire took over so easily. Their fashion might be FASHion, but it's something at any rate.
#starwars #TourmaGaming #swtor #starwarstheoldrepublic #fashion #hat #gaming #videogames
hey where's the #vibrant community of #mastoartists who like posting things about #worldofwarcraft and #starwarstheoldrepublic and want to play videogames with me but never do because we never have any #fucking #time
#time #fucking #starwarstheoldrepublic #worldofwarcraft #mastoartists #vibrant