Let's Play STASIS: Bone Totem (Blind) - Part 1: Fury on the Waves
#Siperos #StasisBoneTotem #Stasis #BoneTotem #TheBrotherhood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#siperos #StasisBoneTotem #stasis #bonetotem #thebrotherhood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Stasis: Bone Totem - Chapter One
#AdventureGameHotspot #StasisBoneTotem #Stasis #BoneTotem #TheBrotherhood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#adventuregamehotspot #StasisBoneTotem #stasis #bonetotem #thebrotherhood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
„Stasis: Bone Totem”
Gracze korzystający z komputerów osobistych mogą po raz drugi wcielić się w poszukiwaczy złomu, którzy przeszukując morskie dno i sprzedając znalezione skarby.[…]
#Fahrenheit_zin #TheBrotherhood #StasisBoneTotem #Stasis #BoneTotem
#fahrenheit_zin #thebrotherhood #stasisbonetotem #stasis #bonetotem
Stasis Retrospective
#RichCale #Stasis #TheBrotherhood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#richcale #stasis #thebrotherhood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
It’s Time To End This Horror. Stasis Playthrough (11/11) Finale
#RichCale #Stasis #TheBrotherhood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#richcale #stasis #thebrotherhood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
Kotaku: Dead Space's 'New Game Plus' Is A Good Reminder That Being OP Can Be Awesome https://kotaku.com/dead-space-remake-new-game-plus-difficulty-horror-1850274386 #gaming #tech #kotaku #mentalillnessinfiction #creativeworks #visceralgames #residentevil4 #horrorcomics #windowsgames #videogames #deadspace #nintendo #ishimura #fiction #ridley #stasis #kraid #isaac
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #mentalillnessinfiction #creativeworks #visceralgames #residentevil4 #horrorcomics #windowsgames #videogames #deadspace #nintendo #ishimura #fiction #ridley #stasis #kraid #isaac
This Place Is F-ed Up. Stasis Playthrough (10/?)
#RichCale #Stasis #TheBrotherhood #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick
#richcale #stasis #thebrotherhood #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick
I got this game in just minutes before #Destiny2 crashed for the night! #warlock #destiny2pvp #stasis https://youtu.be/D-4LzIg8tLQ
#destiny2 #warlock #destiny2pvp #stasis
More Bugs And A Blaze. Stasis Playthrough (9/?)
#RichCale #Stasis #AdventureGames #AdventureGame #PointandClick #TheBrotherhood
#richcale #stasis #adventuregames #adventuregame #pointandclick #thebrotherhood
Kotaku: Dead Space Remake: The Kotaku Review https://kotaku.com/dead-space-2023-remake-review-kotaku-pc-ps5-1850050062 #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #mentalillnessinfiction #creativeworks #visceralgames #glenschofield #kendradaniels #gunnerwright #horrorcomics #windowsgames #videogaming #isaacclarke #videogames #deadspace #ishimura #hammond #plasma #stasis #wright #nicole #issac #over #usg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #mentalillnessinfiction #creativeworks #visceralgames #glenschofield #kendradaniels #gunnerwright #horrorcomics #windowsgames #videogaming #isaacclarke #videogames #deadspace #ishimura #hammond #plasma #stasis #wright #nicole #issac #over #usg
古代ギリシアの党派を意味する #スタシス っちゅうのが気になっとったさかい、 #アガンベン #Agamben のを買うてもうたわ〜
#Stasis #ジョルジュアガンベン #GiorgioAgamben #高桑和巳 #青土社
#ジュンク堂 #ジュンク堂書店 #ジュンク堂書店三宮店 #神戸 #神戸市 #兵庫 #兵庫県
#兵庫県 #兵庫 #神戸市 #神戸 #ジュンク堂書店三宮店 #ジュンク堂書店 #ジュンク堂 #青土社 #高桑和巳 #giorgioagamben #ジョルジュアガンベン #stasis #agamben #アガンベン #スタシス
Warum ich vehement für weniger Streit streite: 😉 😁
#streitkultur #eristik #auseinandersetzung #stasis
🎮 #Gaming -
Been gaming all my life. Not limited in this genre, either.
#Riven is foundational to who I am. I look for it in everything, even subconsciously. You'll see hints of this in my taste in music, games, etc.
#Myst #Metro2033 #MetroLastLight #DeusExHumanRevolution #MetalGearRisingReveangeance #Gacha #FGO #FateGrandOrder #GenshinImpact #PUBG #TheRoom #AlienIsolation #ICEY #Undertale #Cayne #Stasis #SOMA #Subnautica #HalfLife #STALKER #StarWarsKOTOR #Megaman #Pokemon #AssassinsCreed
#assassinscreed #pokemon #megaman #starwarskotor #stalker #halflife #subnautica #soma #stasis #cayne #undertale #icey #alienisolation #TheRoom #pubg #GenshinImpact #fategrandorder #fgo #gacha #metalgearrisingreveangeance #DeusExHumanRevolution #MetroLastLight #metro2033 #myst #riven #gaming
#Dawkins: ‘#commonsense’ is a trait (an adaptation) favoured in an environment of medium sized objects (from pebbles to planets) & of speeds well inside the effects of #relativity. Hence, being still in the grip of common sense, advanced #science – eg. #quantum #entanglement – strikes many of us as absurd, making room for eg. #creationism, deep #scepticism about science. That hasn’t happened in philosophy. There’s been #stasis from the pre-Socratics until today. #Atoms #panpsychism #mind #life
#Life #mind #panpsychism #atoms #stasis #scepticism #creationism #entanglement #quantum #Science #relativity #commonsense #dawkins
Was ich für das "eigentlich" größte Problem der Menschheit halte:
#Parteikämpfe #Lagerbildung #Grüppchenbildung #Gruppendynamik #Stásis #Stasis #Politik #Demokratie #Tyrannis #Diktatur #Autoritarismus #Anthropologie
#parteikampfe #lagerbildung #gruppchenbildung #gruppendynamik #stasis #politik #demokratie #tyrannis #diktatur #autoritarismus #anthropologie
Schlimm ist, dass ich sowas gar nicht mehr zu kommentieren brauche, sondern dass sich die Dynamik, die da am Werk ist, mittlerweile von ganz allein erschließt.
Oder ist das sogar etwas Gutes? 🤔
Two and a half years since I released any music. This was the last release. Cheap to own at €0 or whatever you’d want to pay. https://colinjmorris.bandcamp.com/album/flow-stasis-memory
#microtonal #stringquartet #drone #stasis #flow
Gruppenbezogene Rachelogik als DAS Grundproblem der Politik:
#Bürgerkrieg #Lager #Parteien #Sozialdynamik #Irredentismus #Stasis #Stásis
#bürgerkrieg #lager #parteien #Sozialdynamik #Irredentismus #stasis #Stásis
#Cayne s/ #GNU #Linux : où l'on fait une rencontre désagréable qui nous permet d'aller de l'avant dans ce point & click d'aventure horrifique en vue isométrique. Gratuit, il est la préquel de #Stasis.
Pour favoriser ce service hors #GAFAM, cette publication peut être vue en avant-première sur #PeerTube, avant sa sortie prochaine sur #YouTube : https://videos.pair2jeux.tube/videos/watch/fb0fda4e-f8cd-4aa4-acb0-9da1d7547807
#cayne #gnu #linux #stasis #gafam #peertube #youtube #gaming #jeu #letsplay