@Lindaworkerbee Funny; one would think that a states governor would work at finding a solution to this, as it affects so much of the citizenry and economy. But of course, Florida elected #desantis.
So best of luck to #statefarm
#desantisdestroysflorida #desantisisevil #GQPSucks
#desantis #statefarm #desantisdestroysflorida #desantisisevil #gqpsucks
Gizmodo: Farmers Insurance Pulls Out of Florida’s Shaky Market https://gizmodo.com/farmers-insurance-pulls-out-florida-shaky-market-1850632200 #citizenspropertyinsurancecorporation #farmersinsurancegroup #farmersinsurance #disasteraccident #typesofinsurance #vehicleinsurance #trevorchapman #homeinsurance #environment #bristolwest #insurance #statefarm #foremost #allstate #andrew #quartz #ian
#citizenspropertyinsurancecorporation #farmersinsurancegroup #farmersinsurance #disasteraccident #typesofinsurance #vehicleinsurance #trevorchapman #homeinsurance #environment #bristolwest #insurance #statefarm #foremost #allstate #andrew #quartz #ian
State Farm, the largest U.S. home insurer, is dropping coverage for thousands of customers in California and Florida. These states face increased risks of wildfires and hurricanes due to climate change. The move could leave many homeowners without affordable insurance options and force them to relocate or rebuild.
#climatecrisis #insurance #statefarm
Guardian article on #StateFarm #insurance in #California (although, IMHO, the author very incorrectly ties the housing crisis into the #wildfire issues here... the wildland-urban interface is not cheaper to live in, and it's not cheap housing at risk due to wildfires) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/06/climate-risks-are-making-california-uninsurable-when-will-we-wake-up
#statefarm #insurance #california #Wildfire
Anyone know why #StateFarm & now #Allstate pulled out of the #CA home #insurance market entirely, instead of just jacking up premiums on the highest-risk policies?
A 4-BR in The Sunset or a high-rise in downtown LA don't have *zero* #climate exposure, but it's nowhere near what an exburban mcmansion or rural farmhouse would have, right?
Is there something about #california that means they're exposed regardless? The state-run FAIR plan mentioned at the end here? #capol
#statefarm #allstate #CA #insurance #climate #california #capol
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/27/state-farm-home-insurance-california-wildfires | Insurance giant halts sale of new home policies in California due to wildfires |
"The insurance giant State Farm, America’s biggest car and home insurer by premium volume, will halt the sale of new home insurance policies in California, citing wildfire risk and inflation of construction costs." | #California #ClimateChange #wildfires #capitalism #insurance #StateFarm
#california #climatechange #wildfires #capitalism #insurance #statefarm
🎶 Like a good neighbor State Farm is not there 🎵 #statefarm
#StateFarm to stop accepting homeowners insurance applications in #California due to wildfires, construction costs
State Farm General Insurance Company on Friday announced that it will stop accepting new homeowners insurance applications in California.
The company cited "rapidly growing" catastrophe risks like wildfires, "historic increases" in construction costs and a challenging reinsurance market.
In de politiek kun je blijven ruziën over het klimaat. Verzekeraars hebben daar geen enkele boodschap aan. Als het risico te groot wordt, is het niet meer te verzekeren.
"Wall Street Journal:
#StateFarm is stopping the sale of new home-insurance policies in #California effective Saturday, because of wildfire risk and rapid inflation in construction costs."
Paywallvrij artikel:
State Farm: No New Home Policies Due to #ClimateRisks | Climate Denial Crock of the Week
#climaterisks #california #statefarm
@garidin #RAGA supporters cont:
#CapitalOne $50,000
#TysonFoods $40,000
#Enterprise $35,000
#Aflac $28,000
#SquirePattonBoggs $25,125
#Pepsi $25,000
#StateFarm $25,000
#Deloitte $25,000
#RentAcenter $25,000
#Millercoors $25,000
#Google $25,000
#Centurylink $25,000
#BankOfAmerica (#BofA) $25,000
#Verizon $25,000
#Walgreens $25,000
#JPMorgan #Chase $25,000
#Navient $15,350
#Carmax $15,000
#Carvana $15,000
#BestBuy $15,000
#TMobile $15,000 ← the only one that surprises me.
(part 2/2)
#raga #capitalone #tysonfoods #enterprise #aflac #squirepattonboggs #pepsi #statefarm #deloitte #rentacenter #millercoors #google #centurylink #bankofamerica #bofa #verizon #walgreens #jpmorgan #chase #navient #carmax #carvana #bestbuy #tmobile
Well-wishers, volunteers, and civic leaders gathered for the grand reopening of the newly renovated FAAS facility on April 8.
#faas #alameda #JohnLipp #StateFarm #SeeSpotRun #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#faas #alameda #johnlipp #statefarm #seespotrun #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
And even if you have insurance, getting them to pay up is not a sure thing. #StateFarm adjusters, for example, lied to us recently, and are continually dragging their feet and slow-walking our claims, and we don't live anywhere near a coastline. As an industry, property insurance is liable to fail en masse.
This article is important and everyone should read it. I'm going to post excerpts of it.
#statefarm #ClimateCrisis #sustainability #banking
If you have #StateFarm insurance for anything, perhaps drop them a note to let them know you're disappointed and reconsidering your policies based on them letting conservative hacks bully them into neutrality on hate and violence against our communities. Neutrality=endorsement.
I find it ironic that State Farm doesn't insure farms and farm equipment. Oh, they can come up with a quote (like they did for our tractor) but their list of scenarios deemed "not covered" were all the things that could happen to you on a farm. #smh
We ended up going with Kubota's recommended insurance company. Their list of "covered" nearly mirrored State Farm's "not covered".
Come on, State Farm. Honor the "Farm" in your name. Geez.
#tractors #farmlife #farming #kubota #statefarm #insurance #smh
The wind here is crazy this morning, so our roof is probably going to be damaged further.
#StateFarm denied our claim for the hail damage on the roof, so since our cars also have obvious hail dents I'm going to file claims for that, even though it's not worth it, just to establish there was hail and it did damage. #StateFarm has taken premiums from us for 30 years. Now they're treating us like this b/c they're too cheap to pay claims honestly.
All ins companies are bad, but #StateFarm is run by right wing nutjobs who screw the elderly - and also are ok with their agents abusing their software to doxx women at abortion clinics. (As was widely reported.)
I recommend if you have #StateFarm insurance you switch, no matter how many policies you have. They are dishonest. The adjuster who came to the house said clearly to us he could see the hail damage. Then filed a report saying there wasn't any.
May the Heavenly Court curse his lying ass. May climate collapse kill #StateFarm too.
#StateFarm and #Progressive have stopped insuring some #Kia and #Hyundai vehicles
#statefarm #progressive #kia #hyundai
The #SNL ad parodies have been hit and miss the last couple of seasons, but the #StateFarm gag just now was remarkable.
New Suit Uses Data to Back #RacialBias Claims Against #StateFarm
Black customers have long claimed that the nation’s largest home insurer discriminates against them. A lawsuit claims a nine-month study provides some proof. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/14/business/state-farm-racial-bias-lawsuit.html
Rodgers shoulda hired that body double for takin those sacks #StateFarm #Eagles