BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
162 followers · 663 posts · Server

‘Back the chainsaws’: Albo slammed amid calls to end decades-long ‘damaging’ forest logging

“Over 90 per cent of native forest that is logged in NSW is pulped and sent overseas to be used in woodchips and cardboard.”

“The NSW government has been covering the losses of the native forest logging industry for nearly a decade. It is not a profitable industry; in the past two years alone, $29 million of taxpayer money was spent subsidising native forest logging".

"...The NSW government's audit office found FCNSW did not consistently monitor compliance of its contractors or assess risks."

#fcnsw #stateforests #loggingindustry #subsidies #nsw #compliance #outsource #risks #worthmorestanding #bellingenlogging #newrystateforest #nativeforests #savetuckersnob #biodiversity #climate

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
64 followers · 400 posts · Server

Native logging in Victoria to end this year.

Why not on the Mid North Coast too?
"Before creation of koala national park, loggers target key habitat
Pressure is mounting on the state government to halt logging within the boundaries of the proposed Great Koala National Park, which it promised to create near the state’s during its last two election campaigns."

#midnorthcoast #bellingenlogging #stateforests #gknp #biodiversity #climateaction

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
64 followers · 397 posts · Server

Stop logging in the Great Koala National Park
"17% of state forests planned for the Great National Park could be logged in the next 12 months. Of the 175,000ha of that constitutes the GKNP proposal (green) Forestry Corporation NSW plans to log over 17% in the next 12 months (red), including some of the most important koala habitat in NSW (white). Your taxes are being spent to pay for it."

#koala #stateforests #bellingen #roads #bellingenlogging #coffsharbour #sawtell #gknp #paniclogging #biodiversity #extinctioncrisis

Last updated 1 year ago