"Some things keep you up at night.
This newsletter topic is one of the things that makes me restless.
I often wonder about Dean Ablakwa, a man I have never met, but one I am seriously concerned about.
Here’s why …"
#Newsletter #MarjoriesMusings #HostileEnvironment #HomeOffice #Stateless #Ghana #UK
#uk #ghana #stateless #homeoffice #hostileenvironment #marjoriesmusings #newsletter
RT European Network on Statelessness
Last week on the blog 🗣️ France's highest court denies #stateless status to Sahrawi-born man, raising Qs on imposed nationality, self-determination & international law's role in protecting stateless ppl. Maëliss Guillaud explores 👇 https://www.statelessness.eu/updates/blog/french-administrative-supreme-court-rejected-stateless-status-application-sahrawi
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ENStatelessness/status/1681242843606577152
#stateless #nauru #concentrationcamp #auspol
"KUALA LUMPUR, June 16 — If you are born in Malaysia and are a Malaysian, do you take it for granted that your children and grandchildren will also be Malaysians and enjoy the same privileges as you?
A Malaysia-born family in Taiping, Perak has found themselves struggling through three generations of statelessness — a situation where they are not citizens of any country at all."
#malaysia #citizenship #society #stateless
I sent in my U.S. #passport renewal application yesterday with my passport attached and the vulnerability I feel is so intense.
Unlike most immigrants, I don’t have dual citizenship, because in order to be permitted leave what was then CIS, we had to disavow our citizenship to any of its predecessor and constituent countries (USSR and Belarus for us).
For my entire adolescence, I was officially #stateless.
When I became a permanent resident in the US, I was issued a Travel Document (which looks like a US passport but is light blue).
but now I don’t even have that. And I don’t have my naturalization certificate either because I lost it in college and even then, it cost $300 to replace and is now something absurd like $600.
so here I am, without tangible proof of my US citizenship until my new passport comes back. I paid for all kinds of expedited processing but I’ve heard it’s been gnarly lately so I get to be anxious just a little bit longer than normal.
"@historickomodo submission: “Salvador Allende didn’t die for this shit.”
For newbies playing along at home, this #meme circulates all over the place on #liberal pages, and it’s filled with #contradictory pieces of #ideology. Firstly, one can’t really be a #capitalist and a #socialist at the same time – if you support capitalist #ownership over the means of #production, then you support capitalism; if you support #democratic ownership over the means of production, where people have a say in the #institutions and #activities they contribute to, then you support socialism. I don’t know how to make it more succinct than that. Also, #communism is the post-scarcity natural conclusion of socialism, a #stateless/ #moneyless/ #classless #society where #socially-operated #property is held in common and #people “contribute according to their #abilities and receive according to their #needs”; #statelessness is a #fundamental aspect of the ideology, ergo a #totalitarian #government “forcing everybody to be exactly equal” is not communism.
Secondly, channeling government power to curb capitalism’s self-destructive excesses is merely Keynesian #welfare capitalism or Scandinavian social democracy, both of which try to use the state to mitigate structural tension within the parameters of the system (and all-too-often to wither away class consciousness and pushes for actual socialist change).
Thirdly and lastly, “the #economy and society being run democratically to meet #human needs rather than #profit for a #greedy few” is literally socialism. Capitalism by definition will always have a tiny class of owners pulling the #economic and #political strings; as long as they own the means of production and accrue profit off the backs of the #laboring class, they will always, always have disproportionate power in society. Such is the #nature of class relations – throughout history, laboring classes have produced the things society needs while ruling classes have sat and accrued the most #wealth. If labor produces all, why not have a society democratically run by #laborers?"
#meme #liberal #contradictory #ideology #capitalist #socialist #ownership #production #democratic #institutions #activities #communism #stateless #moneyless #classless #society #socially #Property #people #abilities #needs #statelessness #Fundamental #totalitarian #government #Welfare #economy #human #profit #greedy #economic #political #laboring #nature #wealth #laborers
The policy brief about #stateless people in Germany is now available in English!
The scientific staff of #SVRMigration examines stateless people's socio-demographic composition as well as their legal situation in Germany.
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
🎵 Prism #1
The @ENStatelessness are working to raise awareness for the rights of stateless persons in Europe. It is very important to draw attention to the specific situation of #statelessness in the context of #migration and #asylum.
🚩Europe has a duty to protect #stateless #refugees!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ErnstCornelia/status/1648959713692844033
#statelessness #migration #asylum #stateless #refugees
RT @ENStatelessness: Today our #changemakers are in the @europarl_en speaking to Parliamentarians about the rights of #stateless refugees in Europe. If you are attending the Strasbourg plenary, join us for coffee @ the Swan Bar (9-11 am) to learn how MEPs can support our #StatelessJourneys campaign.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ErnstCornelia/status/1648217839889686529
#changemakers #stateless #StatelessJourneys
RT @ENStatelessness: Thank you @CoESR_migration for a great meeting and exchange of ideas on how we can jointly address challenges faced by #stateless people in migration across Europe. We look forward to continue working together and to put some of the plans into action.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1648693988050739204
RT @ENStatelessness: Great to be at tbe @coe @CoESR_migration conference on supporting refugee, migrant and #stateless children transition to adulthood. We’ll be meeting the Special Representative bilaterally later today to discuss rights challenges faced by stateless children across Europe
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1648661942830022658
I had #stateless people in my family, and this wasn't a desirable thing to be, why do so many #computing systems seem keen on marketing themselves as such?
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
🎵 Bloodstream
I can’t disabuse your application of its #stateless delusions, when it always expects to find the same set of search indexes, too big to rebuild quickly, in its local file system upon every restart.
Re-platforming to #kubernetes should make you re-examine your application’s #assumptions. This should have happened a few years ago during The Great Containerization. This should not be rearing its ugly head now as we try to adopt the #cloud with a minimum of #refactoring.
End rant.
#refactoring #cloud #assumptions #kubernetes #stateless
#MYPoli: some good news this morning.
"The High Court ruled that Malaysia’s Child Act 2001 also protects non-citizen children, and said the Immigration authorities should have brought these three children before a Court for Children within 24 hours of arresting them."
"In a written judgment dated January 12, the High Court judge noted the Federal Constitution’s Article 5(4) where non-citizens have to be brought before a magistrate within 14 days of their arrest and detention under immigration laws, as well as a similar provision of a 14-day deadline under Section 51(5)(b) of the Immigration Act for non-citizens who are arrested and detained under immigration laws."
#MYPoli #malaysia #SouthEastAsia #MYToots #tootsea #stateless
RT @alfadly_alfadly: من الرائع أن يتحدث رئيس لجنة LIBE بالبرلمان الأوروبي @JFLopezAguilar في مؤتمر مدريد (8-9 يونيو) حول كيف يمكن ويجب أن يعالج ميثاق اللجوء والهجرة #EU حقوق اللاجئين #stateless ويحميها . التسجيل في https://t.co/Odd21Ge2NH… #البدون
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JFLopezAguilar/status/1643247176770781187
RT @ENStatelessness: After attending our event in Brussels last October, Spain’s Ambassador to the EU @AAlonsoMarcos reiterates his call for more action by #Europe to protect #stateless people & to provide safeguards the nationality laws to prevent and reduce statelessness: https://www.statelessness.eu/updates/interviews/interview-marcos-alonso-alonso-ambassador-permanent-representative-spain
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JFLopezAguilar/status/1641758211261734912
@TheConversationUS are there any articles about #stateless people and people living under dictatorships getting agency in what the world will look like? I'd like to see more about that.
RT @ENStatelessness: Are you looking for a space where #stateless people are the majority in the room? Our community group is open to all people with experience of living without a nationality and representatives of communities impacted by #statelessness.
Learn more: https://www.statelessness.eu/community
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1636474144966467584