RT @DarranMarshall
Top NIO official privately said nationalists had an ‘inability to come to terms with’ Bloody Sunday.
#StatePapers https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/politics/top-nio-official-privately-said-nationalists-had-an-inability-to-come-to-terms-with-bloody-sunday-42258009.html
RT @DarranMarshall@twitter.com
Top NIO official privately said nationalists had an ‘inability to come to terms with’ Bloody Sunday.
#StatePapers https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/politics/top-nio-official-privately-said-nationalists-had-an-inability-to-come-to-terms-with-bloody-sunday-42258009.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DarranMarshall/status/1610185103463915520
John Bowman - Lloyd George’s Ireland or John Hume’s? The people gave their answer: Declassified #StatePapers detail the journey to the Belfast Agreement, a deal some wholeheartedly endorsed but others reluctantly accepted. #GFA #IrishHistory #JohnHume
#statepapers #gfa #irishhistory #johnhume
Good explanation - what is our name? Via #irishtimes
#ireland #statepapers #names (just getting used to hashtags here, the frequency still feels a bit odd)
Ireland, Éire or the Republic? Official files show debate over name of the State
#names #statepapers #ireland #irishtimes
RT @YesRutherglen@twitter.com
If this is what “elements in the UK security services, some members of the House of Lords and the opposition” were prepared to do along with loyalist paramilitaries to wreck the Northern Ireland peace process, what might they do to prevent Scottish independence? #StatePapers
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YesRutherglen/status/1608832012978388992
More on the PRONI #StatePapers release by Marie Coleman: Power-sharing in North dogged by ‘continual attrition’ from the outset #Troubles #NorthernIreland
#statepapers #troubles #northernireland
Can’t believe Bertie compared McGuinness and Paisley to Gowron and Admiral Tomalak #StatePapers
The latest The nofrills Daily! https://paper.li/nofrills?edition_id=927c2900-8774-11ed-967d-fa163e65ae25 Thanks to @AngelaRayner@twitter.com @markdevenport@twitter.com #statepapers
#NorthernIreland #StatePapers 1998 Marie Coleman - ‘Declassified files a sober reminder of violence the North’s peace deal failed to stop: Details of negotiations around Drumcree Orange parade in 1998 and response of emergency services to Omagh bombing in newly-released files’
https://www.irishtimes.com/history/2022/12/30/declassified-files-a-sober-reminder-of-how-violence-engulfed-the-north/ #Troubles #Drumcree #Omagh
#northernireland #statepapers #troubles #drumcree #omagh
Irish #StatePapers 1996: Gerry Adams told Irish officials ‘pretend we are the IRA’ during secret talks
https://www.irishtimes.com/history/2022/12/29/sinn-fein-leader-told-irish-officials-pretend-we-are-the-ira-during-secret-talks/ #Troubles #NorthernIreland #GerryAdams
#statepapers #troubles #northernireland #gerryadams
«Prince Andrew predicted the rise of #SinnFéin... and eight other curious tales from the [#declassified] #StatePapers» – The Irish Times. Some interesting items released. #Ireland #UK #NorrhernIreland #Estonia #Russia #Bushmills
#sinnfein #declassified #statepapers #ireland #uk #norrhernireland #estonia #russia #bushmills
Irish #StatePapers: ‘John Hume drafted IRA ceasefire statement for Gerry Adams, according to ‘secret’ file’ https://www.irishtimes.com/history/2022/12/28/john-hume-drafted-ira-ceasefire-statement-for-gerry-adams-according-to-secret-file/ #Troubles #NorthernIreland
#statepapers #troubles #northernireland
RT @BelTel@twitter.com
Former UK prime minister Boris Johnson urged the Irish Government to adopt a “hard egg” approach to the Northern Ireland peace process and “let the nationalists go to hell”, newly declassified documents show.
From #PRONI, 16 Jan. Secrets from the Files 1999
Sam McBride & Professor Marie Coleman reveal the secrets behind the news headlines from the most recently released government files of 1999. #StatePapers #NorthernIreland https://www.eventbrite.com/e/492639186067
#proni #statepapers #northernireland