A #Pennsylvania #court says #statepolice can't hide how it monitors #socialmedia
Andrew Christy, a lawyer with the #ACLU of Pennsylvania, said the ruling "sort of puts #lawenforcement on the same playing field as all government agencies. If they have a legal justification to keep something secret, then they have to put forth sufficient evidence to justify that."
https://apnews.com/article/pennsylvania-police-aclu-social-media-monitoring-1508189aba86cc776e19892b4a2b358a #police #surveillance #privacy
#pennsylvania #court #statepolice #socialmedia #aclu #lawenforcement #Police #surveillance #privacy
Maltempo, posticipato al 4 giugno il concerto della banda musicale della polizia di #StatoÂ
Giulianova. Le avverse condizioni meteo hanno convinto gli organizzatori del Festival Internazionale di Bande Musicali a posticipare il concerto della Banda Musicale della Polizia di #Stato. Prevista in un primo momento per venerdì 19, l’esibizione della Banda, diretta dal Maestro Maurizio Billi, si terrà il prossimo 4 giugno 2023, sempre alle ore 21.00 in Piazza
L'articolo Maltempo, posticipato al 4 giugno il concerto della banda musicale della polizia di #Stato sembra essere il primo su AbruzzoLive.
Bad weather, #StatePolice band concert postponed to 4 June
Giulianova. Adverse weather conditions have convinced the organisers of the International Festival of Musical Bands to postpone the concert of the #StatePolice Musical Band. Initially scheduled for Friday 19, the band's performance, conducted by Maestro Maurizio Billi, will be held on 4 June 2023, again at 21.00 in Piazza
L'articolo Maltempo, postponed to 4 June the concert of the #StatePolice Music Band seems to be the first on AbruzzoLive.
18-5-2023 12:18 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/maltempo-posticipato-al-4-giugno-il-concerto-della-banda-musicale-della-polizia-di-stato/
#stato #statepolice #abruzzolive
A #StatePolice trooper in #Michigan is facing criminal charges for punching a man that wasn't using the sidewalk.
#statepolice of #pennsylvania with the #kkk, 1928
#kkkopsAndKlan #acab
#statepolice #pennsylvania #kkk #kkkopsAndKlan #acab
State sues three state troopers for overtime they put in for but didn't work #Massachusetts #lawsuits #StatePolice #TroopE https://www.universalhub.com/2023/state-sues-three-state-troopers-overtime-they-put
#troope #statepolice #lawsuits #massachusetts
Welcome to Santa Cruise #BostonHarbor #Chelsea #StatePolice https://www.universalhub.com/2022/welcome-santa-cruise
#statepolice #chelsea #bostonharbor
Ex #Virginia #Statepolice officer drove across the country, killed teen's mother and grandparents, took teen captive!
The police only protect the rights of those who agree with the prevailing government mantra.
Policing in Britain is entirely political – just like in a communist regime. If you are protesting in line with government propaganda, you’re fine. If not, you can expect your protest to be strictly controlled, if it is allowed at all. The Conservatives are now making it harder to protest, and we can only do so with police consent. Therefore, the police determine who can do what. It is the definition of a police state. For Britain will restore policing by making it accountable to the public and making a clean sweep across the top.
#police #statepolice #politicalpolice #forbritain
#police #statepolice #politicalpolice #forbritain