Field Notes from the Frontlines of the Government's War on the Left
Michael Gould-Wartofsky on his TomDispatch article, "American Inquisition: Field Notes from the Frontlines of the Government's War on the Left," which also appeared at Salon.
#copaganda #stateterror #neofascism #fascism #indirectplutocracy
#copaganda #stateterror #neofascism #fascism #indirectplutocracy
It's not just that #AllStatesAreTerrorStates, it is the first and foremost feature of a state to be able to reach for its citizens at any time at any place.
#PoliceViolance and the almost arbitrary outcomes at court cause of plenty inunderstandable laws, rules, administrative acts and other sorts of regulation,
finalizes exactly the Definition of #Terror.
Except when you have Money and can pay the better Lawyer. In any case, better not to go to court, if you miss the money.
#allstatesareterrorstates #policeviolance #terror #stateterror #anarchism
just an easter message for @raphaelwarnock and @ossoff
jesus and #Fascism and murder and #StateTerror
#StopCopCity, as you well know
#fascism #stateterror #StopCopCity
Civilian among Two #Palestinians Killed and 3 Others Injured by #Israel in Jenin Palestine
#Israel #impunity #murder #stateterror #occupation #settlercolonialism
#palestinians #israel #impunity #murder #stateterror #occupation #settlercolonialism
Caroline Weldon, 'Sitting Bull' (1890)
#art #portrait #NativeAmerican #Sioux #Lakota #indigenous #people #activism #resistance #leader #visionary #seer #LittleBighorn #GhostDance #StateTerror #genocide #racism #colonialism #imperialism #murdered #WomenInArt #USA #painting
#art #portrait #nativeamerican #Sioux #Lakota #indigenous #people #activism #resistance #leader #visionary #Seer #littlebighorn #ghostdance #stateterror #genocide #racism #colonialism #imperialism #murdered #womeninart #usa #painting
Bring #Israel2ICC
#BDS4Israel #Justice4Palestine
#StopIsraeliApartheid #StateTerror
#EthnicCleansing #Annexation of #Palestine
fulfills UN resolution #194
#STOPtheBLOCKADE & #IsraeliStateTerrorOnGaza!
#BDS works well against #Israel as it did in S Africa
#israel2icc #bds4israel #Justice4Palestine #StopIsraeliApartheid #stateterror #ethniccleansing #annexation #palestine #StopTheBlockade #IsraeliStateTerrorOnGaza #bds #israel
#Condemn and #denounce #antisemitism -- and also #apartheid, #authoritarianism, #stateTerror, #stateSurveillance, #settlerColonialism and #ethnicErasure — #decolonizationIsNotAntisemitism
#condemn #denounce #antisemitism #apartheid #authoritarianism #stateterror #statesurveillance #settlercolonialism #ethnicerasure #decolonizationisnotantisemitism
Happening right now:
The world’s government's are working to solve the climate challenge
G20 world leaders are meeting to revive international cooperation,
in the meantime... somewhere in Russia
Putin sends another barrage of cruise missile towards civilian targets in Ukraine.
@Anthropocene #G20 #COP27 #Ukraine #stateterror
#stateterror #Ukraine #cop27 #g20
Happening right now:
The world’s government's are working to solve the climate challenge
G20 world leaders are meeting to revive international cooperation,
in the meantime... somewhere in Russia
Putin sends another barrage of cruise missile towards civilian targets in Ukraine.
@Anthropocene #G20 #COP27 #Ukraine #stateterror
#stateterror #Ukraine #cop27 #g20
Haiti, State Against Nation: The Origins and Legacy of Duvalierism by Michel-Rolph Trouillot
#Haiti, #Haïti, #Ayiti, #Duvalier, #Duvaliers, #Duvalierism, #Duvalierisme, #PapaDoc, #BabyDoc, #FrançoisDuvalier, #JeanClaudeDuvalier, #imperialism, #noirism, #noirisme, #antiblackness, #history, #Haitianhistory, #historyofHaiti, #colorism, #antiblackness, #capitalism, #Caribbean, #anticommunism, #nationalism, #stateterror
"In the euphoria that followed the departure of Haiti’s hated dictator, Jean-Claude Duvalier, most Haitian and foreign analysts treated the regimes of the two Duvaliers, father and son, as a historical nightmare created by the malevolent minds of the leaders and their supporters. Yet the crisis, economic and political, that faces this small Caribbean nation did not begin with the dictatorship, and is far from being solved, despite its departure from the scene. In this fascinating study, Haitian-born Michel-Rolph Trouillot examines the mechanisms through which the Duvaliers ruthlessly won and then held onto power for twenty-nine years."
#haiti #haïti #Ayiti #Duvalier #Duvaliers #Duvalierism #Duvalierisme #PapaDoc #BabyDoc #FrançoisDuvalier #JeanClaudeDuvalier #imperialism #noirism #noirisme #antiblackness #history #Haitianhistory #historyofHaiti #colorism #capitalism #caribbean #anticommunism #nationalism #stateterror