ahimsa · @ahimsa_pdx
753 followers · 7308 posts · Server disabled.social
Luna⁷ 🌙 · @Morifemme
233 followers · 376 posts · Server wandering.shop

I'm so excited for this device! It's a tiny wearable that goes in your ear and it tracks blood flow to the head. It's meant for people with dysautonomia.

My POTS doesn't make me pass out, but it does make the whole room spin and it makes my vision fuzzy. So it would be nice to get a warning that that's about to happen so I can lie down.


#stathealth #pots #dysautonomia #LongCovid

Last updated 1 year ago

GuruHiTech · @guruhitech
88 followers · 970 posts · Server mastodon.uno