RT @Poddingue@twitter.com
How to install #Armbian on the #StationP1 starting from #Android
As usual, nonsense video there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBl3JALcPDs&feature=youtu.be
Thanks to @StationGeeker@twitter.com for their help.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Poddingue/status/1362502686202081286
Should I get NVMe adapter for the @thepine64@twitter.com #Pinebook Pro or the @StationGeeker@twitter.com #StationP1? Or both? I cannnot decide 😭
RT @Poddingue@twitter.com
👋 @StationGeeker@twitter.com , what would you recommend to root your default #Android distro on the #StationP1?
I tried several old methods that did not work...
I also tried to sideload open-gapps but failed.
Would you have any inputs?
I need that to write another distro to the SDCard...
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Poddingue/status/1354708082622922752
Kind a odd. The #StationP1 is way more heavy constructed. I assume the thermal conductivity isn't as good as in the #pinebook which has a quite thick thermal pad that connects to the aluminum back plate.
Don't know about the Station P1. @NicoD99364191@twitter.com did a disassembly, right?
This is crazy. The #StationP1 draws less than half the power under _full load_ than the graphics card itself in my PC when being idle...
I am pretty happy with it. @armbian@twitter.com @StationGeeker@twitter.com #stationP1 @arcticicestudio@twitter.com