We've had lots of great applications so far, but
we're extending the deadline until 29th August anyway (due to last-minute holidays).
If you're interested in #StatsEd research, do consider joining us. There are roles to suit many interests, experience levels, and availabilities.
Contact @jennyterry for more info.
Role descriptors: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g1pXGIX6wyFN4_xqRIqNrBueQem6k1a49UlW6ymeNsU/edit?usp=sharing
Organisation chart: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kwU2nlDZ9QAFR1aYFXLcoO1XLr4Yi97I/edit#slide=id.p1
Application form:
Interested in #StatsEd ?
The #IASE 2023 satellite program is online: https://iase2023satellite.github.io/program.html
If likelihood ratio tests, AIC, AICc and BIC were home aesthetics...would this be right?
I joked about them as Buzzfeed-style personality quiz options in class today, and now I can't stop thinking about them as ✨aesthetics✨
Less than a week to go until #RoSE2023 - a free, online, international, #StatsEd #conference!
We've got presentations about #pedagogy (#stats and #software, incl. R), #AI, tools for #teaching, #research #methods, and so much more!
Check it out: https://www.rose-network.org/events/rose-2023
#methods #Research #teaching #AI #Software #Stats #pedagogy #conference #statsed #rose2023
Less than a week to go until #RoSE2023 - a free, online, international, #StatsEd #conference!
We've got presentations about #pedagogy (#stats and #software, incl. R), #AI, tools for #teaching, #research #methods, and so much more!
Check it out: https://www.rose-network.org/events/rose-2023
#methods #Research #teaching #AI #Software #Stats #pedagogy #conference #statsed #rose2023
We are delighted to be able to share the full programme for the (free, online!) #RoSE2023 #StatsEd conference coming up on May 3rd: https://bit.ly/rose23_programme
Register & get more info here: https://www.rose-network.org/events/rose-2023
We are delighted to be able to share the full programme for the (free, online!) #RoSE2023 #StatsEd conference coming up on May 3rd: https://bit.ly/rose23_programme
Register & get more info here: https://www.rose-network.org/events/rose-2023
Wasn't the easiest few years (I wonder why 🤔), but I have learned so much about being a better educator (and learner!), about myself (and when I need to 'put my own mask on first') and about what my values are (being closer to whānau/family one of the big ones behind the move).
To everyone who has been part of this journey, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
May your residuals always be patternless.
And #NZTwits hit me up for stats & coffee chats! ☕️📊
#statsed #statistics #aotearoa #NZTwits
We are excited and honoured to announce that the one and only Professor Carmen Batanero will be giving a keynote presentation at the #RoSE2023 #StatsEd online research conference on May 3rd!
Register (for free!) here: https://www.rose-network.org/events/rose-2023
What I put to my #stats #statsed #statistics students every semester both verbally and written into my Syllabus: “In this course you will encounter examples and exercises (in your textbook) that divide people into ‘male/female’ or ‘boy/girl’. Please assume ‘sex assigned at birth’ because any other interpretation violates the highest standards of inclusion and affirmation in this classroom.” The fight to be SEEN is my fight too. @msprout Publishers need to step up IMHO.
✨ #RoSE2023 Announcement! ✨
We’ve just updated our website with the confirmed invited presenters for our free, online, #StatsEd conference!
We’ll be showcasing each of them over the coming weeks, but for now, check out the lineup and register here: https://www.rose-network.org/events/rose-2023
Register for 2023 U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS)
We are delighted to announce that registration is now open for the 2023 U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS). We are especially excited by the prospect of gathering in person at USCOTS for the first time since 2019. Please come to State College, Pennsylvania on June 1-3 to share ideas about the conference theme of “Communicating with/about Data.”
To register, go to www.causeweb.org/cause/uscots/uscots23 and click the “Registration, Housing, Travel” link on the right side. The early-bird registration fee is $225 before April 17.
This includes all pre-conference workshops, keynotes, sessions, buffet lunches Fri and Sat, Fri banquet dinner, and more.
High school teachers, two-year college instructors, and students with an interest in teaching as a career, are welcome to apply for a registration waiver here: www.causeweb.org/cause/uscots/uscots23/grants
More information about the still-developing conference program can be found here: www.causeweb.org/cause/uscots/uscots23/program. Notice the links across the top for keynote presentations, breakout sessions, workshops, posters & beyond sessions, exhibitor demonstration sessions, and birds-of-a-feather discussions.
We are greatly looking forward to meeting new USCOTS attendees and greeting previous ones. Please join us for USCOTS!
Kelly McConville and Allan Rossman
(for the USCOTS Program Committee)
#statistics #statsed #uscots23
We are delighted to announce that Dr Ji Son will be giving a keynote presentation at the #RoSE2023 #StatsEd #research #conference on May 3rd!
Register (for free!) here: https://rose-network.org/events/rose-2023
Find out more about Dr Son's work here: https://calstatela.edu/faculty/ji-son
#conference #Research #statsed #rose2023
We're busy organising an amazing schedule for May 3rd's #RoSE2023 and we can't wait to share it with you!
In the meantime, register for this free, online #StatsEd conference here: https://rose-network.org/events/rose-2023
(We're new so would really, really appreciate boosts. Thanks! 🙏 😊 )
Who from the world of #StatsEd research would you like to see at #RoSE2023?
We’re going to begin sending out invites next week so this is your last chance to nominate a presenter!
Self-nominations are encouraged, particularly from typically underrepresented groups.
Nominate here: https://forms.gle/UiojiPpwkwvmj1V5A
The multi-lab Statistics and Maths Anxieties and Related Variables in University Students (#SMARVUS) data paper has just been accepted for publication in the Journal of Open Psychology Data. A great way to end the week! #StatsEd https://psyarxiv.com/au9vp/
The multi-lab Statistics and Maths Anxieties and Related Variables in University Students (#SMARVUS) data paper has just been accepted for publication in the Journal of Open Psychology Data. A great way to end the week! #StatsEd https://psyarxiv.com/au9vp/
The #RoSE2023 #StatsEd conference abstract submission deadline is being extended until 17th Feb!
We've already got an exciting lineup for y'all, but we want it to be even bigger and better, so keep 'em coming!
Conference info and submission links here: https://www.rose-network.org/events/rose-2023
#Statistics #educators of the world, we need your help!
We would love to invite presenters to #RoSE2023, ideally from outside our usual (UK/US-centric) circles.
If you know of a #StatsEd #researcher or #educator that would welcome an invitation, please let us know here: https://forms.gle/UiojiPpwkwvmj1V5A
Please boost for maximum reach. Thank you! :)
(Credit to @improvingpsych for the idea of crowd-sourcing invited presenters.)
#educator #researcher #statsed #rose2023 #Educators #statistics