Warriors tickets or food vouchers for stragglers as #StatsNZ tries for 90 percent #Census https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/489078/warriors-tickets-offered-in-attempts-to-get-late-census-replies
If you haven't done NZ #Census #Census2023 #2023Census yet and want to check questions in advance, here's the page on #StatsNZ website with that info
#census #census2023 #2023census #statsnz
Quick lil' exploration of R&D survey data collected by Stats NZ.
Thanks to @mattcowgill who is developing the {readstatsnz} package, which makes it straightforward to grab selected CSV data from Stats NZ :blobcatcoffee:
📦 {readstatsnz} package: https://github.com/MattCowgill/readstatsnz
💻 Code for this plot: https://gist.github.com/jacquietran/758107ee57e6a1162cdf5f25a272dadc
It's received wisdom, believed by many without question; the NatACTs are better economic managers in government than Labour. But the statistics don't bear this out. 3 years into a global pandemic...
"The economy is growing more quickly than expected, with the latest gross domestic product figures from Stats NZ showing a two percent increase in the September quarter.
The annual growth rate is 6.4 percent."
#rnz #statsnz #economy #nzpolitics