LÊo Varnet · @leovarnet
665 followers · 519 posts · Server qoto.org

Hello ! A reviewer asks me to perform a post-hoc . I know this is generally not advised because if you replace the a priori effect size by the effect size measured in the experiment, this will introduce an erroneous relationship between the significance level of the test and the measured power.
… but does that mean that there is no proper way of measuring power retrospectively? For example, if you refrain from using the measured effect size and instead simulate a range of “a priori” effect size unrelated to the results of the test, then the dependency of the power to the significance level should not happen?

#stats #statschat #statstodon #poweranalysis

Last updated 1 year ago

Protzko · @Protzko
377 followers · 261 posts · Server nerdculture.de

I have long-term issues getting planned missingness right.
Always seem to not be enough for the sample size for FIML or multiple imputation.

End up with missing covariance elements & nasty error messages.

Any good resources on figuring out %missing & N for planned missingness?

#stats #statstodon

Last updated 1 year ago

@philipncohen @WeedenKim

It seems like every picture from the strike has multimillionaire in the center?

I mean, the distribution of compensation between actors and movie&tv executives seems very similar. Top 10 actors get the same as top ten movie executives (~ $400 million) and then it starts to decrease but familiar actors still get the same as execs just below C-suite.

#sag #statstodon

Last updated 1 year ago

PJ Coffey · @Homebrewandhacking
894 followers · 6718 posts · Server mastodon.ie


is apparently a thing. They might want in on that. 😀


Last updated 1 year ago

In the absence of a Registered Report how would one publish, say, a study on an improved measurement if you find in a Bland-Altman plot (Turkey mean-difference) the error/bias is too big? Namely, your "new" measure isn't good enough.

What would you do?

#statstodon #statschat

Last updated 2 years ago

In the absence of a Registered Report how would one publish, say, a study on an improved measurement if you find in a Bland-Altman plot (Turkey mean-difference) the error/bias is too big? Namely, your "new" measure isn't good enough.

What would you do?

#statstodon #statschat

Last updated 2 years ago

Christoph · @ChristophB
295 followers · 80 posts · Server fediscience.org

what ideas to improve would you present a group of master students?
On my list so far are:

1. statistics (plus critique of frequentist)

2. use simulations to understand generation processes + use it for power analyses (e.g. from @lakens )

3. think about whether you want to test a hypothesis or estimate an effect & how to design experiments accordingly (inspired by @EJWagenmakers )

4. maybe

#statstodon #OpenScience #analysis #causal #superpower #data #bayesian #psychology #statistics

Last updated 2 years ago

Christian Testa · @ctesta
295 followers · 72 posts · Server fediscience.org

People interested in this thread might enjoy the "Data Never Speak for Themselves" section from Nancy Krieger's article:

"Structural Racism, Health Inequities, and the Two-Edged Sword of Data: Structural Problems Require Structural Solutions"


#statstodon #statistics #science #datascience #epiverse #epidemiology

Last updated 2 years ago

Cameron Pfiffer · @cameron
1220 followers · 411 posts · Server bayes.club

I believe bayes.club is now on Mastodon v4, so you should be able to follow hashtags:

#statstodon #stats #bayesian #bayes #julialang

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Huang · @jon_y_huang
377 followers · 339 posts · Server aus.social

@atezcan look for the hashtags of your favorite topics and pin them to a feed (or just do a search) then follow all the people 😂


#epidemiology #epiverse #epitwitter #biostatistics #biostats #statstodon #statstwitter #rstats

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Huang · @jon_y_huang
377 followers · 339 posts · Server aus.social

The reflex to indiscriminately stratify and adjust on covariates is strong in biomedical research. I face this so often, especially with clinician-scientist collaborators.

The analyses and models that arise from this, in fact, often do not well represent how exposures and treatments exert their effect in reality.

A approach crystallizes when, where, and how co-variates should be treated.

Take this great illustration from Target Trial originator @MiguelHernan where he explains the study design choices for study on COVID vaccine booster effectiveness:



#targettrial #epidemiology #biostatistics #epitwitter #statstodon #epiverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Oliver Maclaren · @omaclaren
183 followers · 48 posts · Server mastodon.social

@alexpghayes @paulgp @jhaluska , statstodon.social, stats.social etc?


Last updated 2 years ago

Omar Rivasplata · @_OR_
29 followers · 31 posts · Server mastodon.social