@LoganFive @ElizabethLeeCo I highly recommend #CaptainDan especially Broadside and Keelhaul CD is the #Warp11 of #PirateHipHhop
Warp11 is arguably the best #StatTrek band in the world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0rN3SsMDwM
#captaindan #warp11 #piratehiphhop #stattrek
@sezduck @Ductos
I was not much a fan of the Enterprise series, but the mirror universe episodes were absolutely brilliant.
Somebody (Orville maybe) needs to do a parody where the mirror universe is full of chill, amiable folks who are constantly too high on reefer to get much accomplished:
'In a Mirror, Dankly'
#stattrek #mirroruniverse #humor
@darrelplant @nyrath
I wager 10,000 Quatloos that Sargon, Thalassa, and Henoch would have been a more apt trio to illustrate the mind enduring long periods of lassitude.
#stattrek #TheOriginalSeries #returntotomorrow
The tournament starts in less than 24 hours! Should we shuffle the order? https://brackethq.com/b/o5cab/
Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country helps me forget that Star Trek V ever happened.
@rcsalgado I have to go McCoy cause the chances are good he’d give me some good booze
@nocontexttrek following me is the best #StatTrek thing that’s happened to me since Michael Dorn replied to a tweet of me holding my bat’leth