An alle, die wegen Corona auch einen zoom-Heiligabend verbringen - es ist doof, aber es gibt viel Schlimmeres.
Merry Christmas!
#Coronasucks #besserkleinenbaumalskeinenbaum #staynegative
#coronasucks #besserkleinenbaumalskeinenbaum #staynegative
ITM snuggles!
I am still in the same isolation room off to the side of the A&E department at my local hospitable.
I am most grateful for the bed, a chance to sup upon a nap or two, this makeshift large loo roll I'm using as a pillow & the opportunity to cram 6 or so hrs of recent No Agenda shows in. I had fallen behind somewhat
There is still the issue of my b*tthole and being stuck in PCR process limbo!
The insurance for the surgery is invalidated by a positive result so...