Irene · @elmerot
61 followers · 687 posts · Server

On my way to by train. Started at suburb station because of construction work. So far, train changes in Copenhagen and Fredericia have gone well, and I hope to arrive in Hamburg more or less on time.
Then a night there, and 06:45 train towards Osnabrück, Amersfoort, Rotterdam and then London await. Hope to be in Lancaster on Sunday around noon!

#stayontheground #traintravel #molndalstation #cl2023 #conference #corpuslinguistics

Last updated 1 year ago

Klimazukunft · @Klimazukunft
269 followers · 1001 posts · Server

@lostgen @WandernAustria Alle reden von und beim Fliegen nur leider sind die Kraftstoffe sowie die Technik nicht im großen Maßstab JETZT verfügbar. Wir haben nicht noch zehn Jahre Zeit, um die Emissionen des Flugverkehrs deutlich zu reduzieren, wegen . Es muss JETZT passieren. Deswegen

#eFuels #klimaneutraliat #KlimaKrise #nomoreflys #flugscham #stayontheground

Last updated 2 years ago

Yeah sorry no such thing as “green flights”

Lufthansa busy ‘greenwashing’ in its launch of a more expensive ‘green’ fare that the airline says will help passengers enjoy “more climate-friendly flying” through the use of carbon offsets and sustainable aviation fuel.

#keepitintheground #stayontheground #climate

Last updated 2 years ago

Jonas Hellö Pr.D. · @jonashello
134 followers · 107 posts · Server

I really hope they can have these 'climate meetings' more often, and have thousands of people flying in to decide stuff no one is going to follow... It's a fkn farce.

To be clear - the climate is of utmost importance. These meetings, and their double standards, are not.


#govegan #stayontheground #climate

Last updated 2 years ago

FJ G · @fjg
216 followers · 1990 posts · Server
Ivor Williams · @ivorinfo
38 followers · 1299 posts · Server

The EU loses €40 billion every year by not taxing airlines fuel or VAT. They money could subsidise cheap rail tickets, upgrade EU networks and challenge the idea that weekend trips & business require air travel around Europe. People choose what is affordable.


Last updated 6 years ago