Stay yourself, no matter what they say!

One last milestone reached in the last 2 days.

I am currently working at a big customer (we have a constant office there because we do a lot of onsite support).

The company i am working for is based in Taiwan, and from time to time the Leading team tours the world to visit the big customers (we operate world wide). The last 2 days 4 of out top leaders (president etc.) visited the company ..

Now i was thinking about my style .. should i wear my usual style(shorts, nylonleggings, legwarmers, barefooted) or better be a little bit more on the "normal" side.
I decided to stay with my usual style, and it was a good decision. No one really cared :o).

I love my company .. down to earth, judging ppl by what they do, not how they look .. we need more bosses like that!

#nonbinary #enby #thoughts #stayyourselfnomatterwhattheysay #questioning #style #atwork

Last updated 2 years ago