yes, they should.
okay personal note - i have a funeral to attend now (no one close family but gotta go)
#degrowth #postgrowth #doughnuteconomics #steadystateeconomics
We have a new #podcast out that looks at the life and ideas of Herman Daly. One of the main figures in the foundation of #Ecological #Economics, he has much to say about the state of modern economics. Have a listen if you'd like to learn more. #Environment #SteadyStateEconomics #Podcasts #UneconomicGrowth
#podcast #ecological #economics #environment #steadystateeconomics #podcasts #uneconomicgrowth #fullworld
Looking also for #HermanDaly fans, included #EcologicalEconomics #steadyStateEconomics #EnvironmentalEconomics
And, in case you do not know? He died in late October. Rest high and well, dear and beloved Herman.
#hermandaly #EcologicalEconomics #steadystateeconomics #environmentaleconomics
I'm hit hard by this news. Daly was one of the few clear voices within the economics profession calling for an embrace of limits through much of the period from the 1970s onward. Not the only, but consistent, principled, and persuasive. His struggles with the economic mainstream, at the University of Louisiana (where his PhD candidates were effectively frozen out of degree conferral), at the World Bank (where he was economist in the early 1990s), and with the profession at large are ... a case study and Greek tragedy (shades, of course, of Cassandra).
And ... I'd utterly missed the fact of his death, which occurred on 28 October and was published in the Times on 8 November, a week ago. It was a quote at the end of another opinion essay (on of all things, Musk and Birdsite) which caught my eye, and made me wonder just how often Daly had been mentioned in the Times.
And so I discovered his obit.
Peter Coy's piece is here:
The quote:
“There is something fundamentally wrong in treating the Earth as if it were a business in liquidation.”
From Steady-State Economics (1977)
And yes, there've been a number of other mentions, though not nearly as many as Daly deserved:
Among the more interesting, "Mr. Soddy's Ecological Economy" (Daly is a bit player, but the ideas are central to his message):
#HermanDaly #Obituary #EcologicalEconomics #Economics #CASSE #LimitsToGrowth #Growth #Books #SteadyStateEconomics
#HermanDaly #obituary #ecologicaleconomics #economics #casse #limitstogrowth #growth #books #steadystateeconomics