The story of The #stealerofsouls cont. I was a dedicated dog person- even belonging to a K9 SAR group. But I had some filthy neigbors and their mice kept invading my house (34 in one yr) Off I trot to get a cat for the 1st time in 25 yrs. The "rescue" was a nasty animal hoarder. For about a year after I gave her the run of my home I never laid eyes on Sara. I played litter box zen garden-smooth it out real flat then check back later to see if it was messed up.
The #stealerofsouls surveys her domain.... #bombaycat Sara is a very abused girl from a "rescue" which was really an elderly couple that were animal hoarders. Their house was so full of cat piss it made my eyes burn. She was dumped young and put in the general population who beat her up daily. They rarely handled her except to catch her with gloves and nets. It took years to even get her to come out from hiding. Baby Nigel goaded her to be bolder. So proud
@RadiDaddy I was in a SAR K9 unit and have been a strictly dog person for decades. Had a mouse problem and ended up with a feral rescue named sara the #stealerofsouls. She was my terrified invisible cat. So I thought maybe she would respond to another cat and got #thenigel. I never even used to like cats really. 😆
(Cont)The #stealerofsouls looks on in disgust. She will not save the poor Nigel (because he always hogs all of her licky treats and the crunchy snackies)