stark@ubuntu:~$ █ · @Stark9837
307 followers · 1644 posts · Server


on Youtube has a video for style leveling, which is what I have, for the

Load cell leveling is great, I use it, but it can have its quirks. Just make sure that the bowden tube doesn't mess with the sensor. If you have a direct drive, then I think it would be one of the best solutions if you don't have the flexibility of a .


#teachingtech #creality #cr6se #ender3 #voron #stealthburner #3dprinting #klipper

Last updated 2 years ago

DieAnne™ · @aynareth
41 followers · 212 posts · Server

Hach, trotz allem Stress der letzten Tage, habe ich es mal geschafft den fertig zu bauen.
Alles auf Anhieb und .
Mal schauen ob ich die anderen heute auch noch verbaut bekomme. 🤔

#TeamFDM #3ddruck #voron #Teile #funktioniert #verkabelt #Richtig #stealthburner

Last updated 2 years ago