#KomodoJapan reporting some
#SteamDeck #SteamDeckNews regarding:
#AcerGaming #AcerHongKong and #Komodo
about #SteamDeck and #SteamDeckDock / #SteamDeckDockingStation
#RegionAvailability at #Acer #AcerRetail #AcerRetailStores in
#komodojapan #SteamDeck #steamdecknews #acergaming #acerhongkong #komodo #steamdeckdock #SteamDeckDockingStation #regionavailability #acer #acerretail #acerretailstores #hongkong #taiwan
#SteamOS346 #SteamDeckOS346
Can't decide which #hashtag to use :(
#steamdeckos #steamdeckosupgrade #steamdeckosupdate #steamos346 #steamdeckos346 #SteamDeck #steamdeckstable #steamdeckstable346 #steamdecknews #hashtag #steamdeck346
I said it to @SteamDeckNews too but what would you think of adding the #hashtag #SteamDeckNews?
Just by reading your URL it actually says "news" in there.
You can make the math.
Don't forget to also use the hashtag #SteamDeckNews.
May have not catched on yet but how could it if nobody's using it, not even you?
By the way just a tip, you don't have to. It's a free world with free people.
Everyone knows that #SteamDeck is the catchiest of them all anyway.
JSAUX finally revealed when they are releasing their 6 new backplates for the Steam Deck!
#steamdeck #jsaux #backplate #steamdecknews
#SteamDeck #jsaux #backplate #steamdecknews