Es ist nicht der Regen oder das Alleinsein am Nachmittag, oder dass die Tage zählbar sind. Auch nicht, dass dieser Jemand im Spiegel kein anderer ist. Es ist etwas anderes.

Licht kommt und geht.

Aufgenommen mit Agfa Boxkamera.

It's not the rain, or being alone in the afternoon, or that the days are countable. Nor that this someone in the mirror is not another. It is something else.

Light comes and goes.

Taken with Agfa Box Camera.

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #berlin #Literatur #boxkamera #boxcamera #tree #baum #stechlinsee #literature

Last updated 2 years ago

Twoandamic · @Twoandamic
19 followers · 77 posts · Server

Poetry - Meditations by Margaret Fuller via @rss

A thoughtful poem from Margaret Fuller - an unfulfilled genius whose life was curtailed by accidental tragedy.

Her cenotaph in Massachusetts is so inscribed:

By birth a child of New England
By adoption a citizen of Rome
By genius belonging to the world

The picture was taken this morning of in .

#stechlinsee #brandenburg

Last updated 2 years ago