Happy St. Elisha Day! 🎉 Today we recall Elijah's disciple who received a double portion of his spirit. 💫 St. Edith Stein reminds us that unconditional faithfulness to God merits His faithfulness in return. Check out our blog!
"There is a vocation to suffer with Christ and thereby to cooperate with him in his work of salvation.
"When we are united with the Lord, we are members of the mystical body of Christ: Christ lives on in his members and continues to suffer in them. And the suffering borne in union with the Lord is his suffering, incorporated in the great work of salvation and fruitful therein."
#vocation #Jesus #calling #suffering #salvation #cooperation #union #Catholic #Carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #union #cooperation #salvation #suffering #Calling #jesus #vocation #stedithstein
On St Stephen's feast day, St Edith Stein pauses to write to a former student; she explains the vocation “to suffer with Christ and thereby to cooperate with him in his work of salvation.”
Read her letter:
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#quotes #carmelite #catholic #gradual #italian #art #illumination #manuscript #martyr #deacon #ststephen #stedithstein
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“Ask a sign of the Lord,” said the prophet to the king. #StEdithStein reminds us that by our lives and witness, we are called to be a sign in our day: “Surrender without reservation to the Lord who has called us.”
Read more:
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#Advent @BishopDavidT@twitter.com
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“Ask a sign of the Lord your God,” said the prophet to the king. St Edith Stein reminds us that by our lives and witness, we are called to be a sign in our day: “Surrender without reservation to the Lord who has called us.”
Read what else Edith Stein has to say:
💜 https://carmelitequotes.blog
#StEdithStein #sign #Advent #surrender #abandonment #trust #Lord #God #meditation #devotional #inspiration #spirituality #Catholic #Carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #spirituality #inspiration #devotional #meditation #god #lord #trust #abandonment #surrender #Advent #sign #stedithstein
“Ask a sign of the Lord your God,” said the prophet to the king. St Edith Stein reminds us that by our lives and witness, we are called to be a sign in our day: “Surrender without reservation to the Lord who has called us.”
Read what else Edith Stein has to say:
💜 https://carmelitequotes.blog
#StEdithStein #sign #Advent #surrender #abandonment #trust #Lord #God #meditation #devotional #inspiration #spirituality #Catholic #Carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #spirituality #inspiration #devotional #meditation #god #lord #trust #abandonment #surrender #Advent #sign #stedithstein
St. Edith Stein, writing from St. Magdalena College in Speyer, sends early Christmas greetings in a postcard to her friend, philosopher Roman Ingarden. “There is a lot to tell,” she says, “but writing is a great robber of time.”
Read her letter
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#StEdithStein #Christmas #ChristmasCards #Advent #Catholic #Carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #Advent #christmascards #christmas #stedithstein
St. Edith Stein, writing from St. Magdalena College in Speyer, sends early Christmas greetings in a postcard to her friend, philosopher Roman Ingarden. “There is a lot to tell,” she says, “but writing is a great robber of time.”
Read her letter
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#StEdithStein #Christmas #ChristmasCards #Advent #Catholic #Carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #Advent #christmascards #christmas #stedithstein
In the waning hours of 13 December 1591, St. John of the Cross predicted his death at midnight. Fr. Iain Matthew, OCD and St. Edith Stein provide us with the account of John's holy death.
Read all about it!
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#discalcedcarmelites #carmelites #spain #Ubeda #quotes #inspiration #churchhistory #history #historian #stedithstein #onthisday #dying #death #stjohnofthecross
When St. Edith Stein taught in Münster, she celebrated St. Nicholas Day with her students in 1932. One of the girls recalled, “we sang Advent songs, and she was just like one of us.”
Learn more about their St Nicholas Day party!
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#StEdithStein #StNicholas #celebration #party #Munster #Germany #Advent #catholic #education #biography #history #inspiration #Carmelite #quote
#quote #carmelite #inspiration #history #biography #education #catholic #Advent #Germany #munster #party #celebration #stnicholas #stedithstein
In our #QuoteOfTheDay #StEdithStein tells us about the #kidnapping of #StJohnOfTheCross and Fray Germán from the chaplain's quarters at the #monastery of the #Incarnation in #Avila on the night of 2–3 December 1577.
Get the details from #EdithStein
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"The spirit of Carmel is love" (Letter 147).
#StEdithStein #Carmelite #love #catholic #quote
#quote #catholic #love #carmelite #stedithstein
St. Edith Stein sends greetings on this date in 1934 to her old friend and recent Jewish convert, Ruth Kantorowicz; she offers this advice:
"Do not allow yourself to be distracted by any outward unrest from living in the intense thought of the Advent liturgy. Then the Feast [of Christmas] will bring you an abundance of graces."
(Letter 185)
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#prayer #Distractions #liturgy #christmas #grace #children #wreath #Advent #carmelite #catholic #stedithstein
In her #diary Etty Hillesum, working in the Westerbork transit camp processing new arrivals, recounted the day #StEdithStein & her sister Rosa Stein arrived at #Westerbork with the other #Catholic #Jews. In another fragment she mentions meeting among them 2 sisters from a talented #Breslau family 'with stars on their habits'. Rosa Stein wore a habit as a lay #Carmelite
#EttyHillesum perished at #Auschwitz #OnThisDate 30 November 1943.
Learn more :clippy:
#OnThisDate #auschwitz #EttyHillesum #carmelite #breslau #jews #catholic #westerbork #stedithstein #diary