They’re Coming To Take Me Away
I'm dancing at Club Gearz in #SecondLife with my friends in Steelhead Bay listening to the radio stream on My landlord Fuzzball Ortega is a DJ there and he streams live on Fridays for a regular community dance. The first half of the set is always weird stuff he finds. The chat went like this:
Now playing: Baltimora -
#secondlife #chameleonicpossessions #steelheadbay
Meanwhile in my #SecondLife community of #SteelheadBay the Friday night dance/music show was on, hosted by sim owner #FuzzballOrtega
I was working on my shop decorations for #MorteGras and #MardiGras when I saw a comment in group chat; someone was going to decorate the stage area for Valentine’s Day - Fuzz didn’t want to, because reasons. But I have some cheesy Val-day textures and bits of seasonal decor I never use, so I “walked” over from my shop to rezz some shareable texture organizers, and Amanda and I spent about an hour tarting the place up. It was fun collaborating!
I expect she’ll add some goofy rideable love boats and swans before Tuesday. And we’ll have some anti-Valentines stuff out, too.
Pictures to come!
#secondlife #steelheadbay #fuzzballortega #mortegras #mardigras
Paid my fantasy rent for my fantasy shop in #SteelheadBay (some cute rental builds by Zaida Gearbox available) and for my fantasy farm markets stalls and for my fantasy bayou swamp house and still have funds left over for updating my fantasy outdoor kitchen.
Still updating my slightly better-organized mainland parcels and plopping fantasy houses and fantasy animals, trees, and plants down.
Anarchy happens when people break out old vehicles on the ice. This is supposed to be a steam pumpkin. It yeowls and makes calvary charge sounds. But it's surprisingly driveable.
#secondlife #fridaynightdance #steelheadbay
Dancing and skating the pre-New Year in at #SteelheadBay in #SecondLife with Sheriff Fuzzball Ortega hosting the SciFi Radio Stream.
Listen at where DJ Fuzz has a regular Friday gig (and his SL and RL lives come together). Yeah, #SecondLife can be weird, but fun weird.
Hello, Mastodon! Time to make my formal #Introduction post.
I'm Lelani Carver, a #SecondLife #Steampunk avatar. I make virtual hats in a virtual world, and I'm a resident of a community in SL called #SteelheadBay.
I'm part of the #twittermigration - and hoping to find more of my #SecondLifeFriends here.
Here is my #CatTax for #CatsOfMastodon ... that's me as a Siamese kitty avatar, petting a little scripted black cat named Ember.
In #SecondLife you can be whatever you can imagine.
#introduction #secondlife #steampunk #steelheadbay #twittermigration #secondlifefriends #cattax #CatsOfMastodon