In the paper Krüger & Wirth (2011) we elucidate various biologically interesting phenomena based on the #mite #Sarraceniopus #nipponensis (#Histiostomatidae) that is bound to life within the pitchers of carnivorus #Sarracenia plants (#Ericales).
we have also dealt intensively with the #lifecycle and details of the #prematingbehavior. The attached #SEM photo shows two #males apparently #competing for the #mateguarding privilege with a #female #tritonymph.
© #StefanFWirth Berlin 2023
#mite #sarraceniopus #nipponensis #histiostomatidae #sarracenia #ericales #lifecycle #prematingbehavior #sem #males #competing #mateguarding #female #tritonymph #stefanfwirth
What is a #mite of the #Histiostomatidae doing in nests of an #antnest? About behavior, dispersal, #phoresy, life strategy. A 2008 study about the life strategy of mite #Histiostoma #bakeri (Histiostomatidae) in nests of the leafcutting ant #Atta #texana.
According to this, the desired location of the mites for mating and reproduction is the detritus chambers of the ant nest.
© #StefanFWirth Berlin 2023
Paper Wirth & Moser (2008), short summary and PDF for download:
#mite #histiostomatidae #antnest #phoresy #histiostoma #bakeri #atta #texana #stefanfwirth
The #phoretic #mite #Forcellinia #wasmanni (#Astigmata, #Acaridae), which occurs among other ant species on the ant #Myrmica #rudinodis, develops in the ant #nest. The phoretic #dispersal stage (#deutonymph) is spread by ant workers.
To do this, I discovered a behavior I call "#pupa #guarding": it attaches to ant pupae and waits in this position until the adult ant hatches.. My video 2015-2023 in reduced quality (size limitations)
© #StefanFWirth Berlin/Usedom
#phoretic #mite #forcellinia #wasmanni #astigmata #acaridae #myrmica #rudinodis #nest #dispersal #deutonymph #pupa #guarding #stefanfwirth