But #SteinsLaw says that "anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop." As lawsuits mounted, the Sacklers found themselves increasingly synonymous with death, not charitable works. But like any canny criminal, the Sacklers had a getaway plan.
First, they extracted vast sums from Purdue and shifted it into offshore financial secrecy havens:
The bezzle is contained by two forces.
* First, #SteinsLaw: "Anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop."
* Second, #Keynes's: "Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."
On the one hand, extremely badly run businesses that strip all the value out of the firm, making things progressively worse for its suppliers, workers and customers will eventually fail (Stein's Law).
Sudden platform collapse syndrome
#SeizeTheMeansOfComputation #SlowlyThenAllAtOnce #MutualHostageTaking #SteinsLaw
#seizethemeansofcomputation #slowlythenallatonce #mutualhostagetaking #steinslaw
His ideas are firmly rooted in the center, and the ideas that delivered environmental regulation, decent jobs, and progress on gender and racial equality have been banished to the periphery.
But there will be crises. As #SteinsLaw goes, "anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop." In every domain of human endeavor, we lurch from crisis to crisis: labor, climate, discrimination, corruption.
The #GreatResignation, #QuietQuitting, the mass desertions from the gig economy - they all prove the #SteinsLaw: "Anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop."
Same for long, brittle supply-chains, where all the surplus has been squeezed out: concentrating all the microchip production in China and Taiwan, all the medical saline in Puerto Rico, all the shipping into three cartels...
#greatresignation #QuietQuitting #steinslaw