Had a great time at the ICRA Robots and Automation conference in London this week!
Thanks to everyone who very kindly hosted me. Highlights included Jasia Reichardt's keynote 'In Praise of Strangeness': https://www.icra2023.org/plenary-keynote-sessions
And the performance by the legend that is Stelarc: https://www.icra2023.org/art-robotics-stelarc
#icra2023 #stelarc #robot #automation #london
putina prej chtěj vydat do háků nebo takovýho něco 🪝🪝🪝🪝🤪😜
#velkavalka #stelarc #putin #haag
Saw the Carolee Schneemann Body Politics exhibition at the Barbican. I'd recommend it. Good to see a performance artist acknowledged like this (although Schneemann identified more as a painter).
Stelarc next?
If you want to catch the Schneemann, you need to hurry. There's only today and tomorrow left as the exhibition ends 8th January.
#art #PerformanceArt #CaroleeSchneemann #stelarc
#art #performanceart #caroleeschneemann #stelarc