Whilst exploring I found something strange a "Nonhuman source" as a planetary POI. A destroyed Thargoid sensor (with 4 fragments laying around). So I had to take a picture for #StellarScreenshots of what I found! Look at all the beautiful colours!
New Goid, who dis? 😀
#stellarscreenshots #elitedangerous #elitedangerousodyssey
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🔗 Click here to learn how you can enter: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/stellarscreenshots-win-unique-paint-jobs.554842/
[Video embedded in original tweet]
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1681695757987086337
📷 Congratulations to this week's #StellarScreenshots winners!
🎨 Your Asp Explorer paint jobs have been added to your accounts!
🔗 Click here to learn how you can enter: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/stellarscreenshots-win-unique-paint-jobs.554842/
[Video embedded in original tweet]
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1676616984694255617
📷 Congratulations to this week's #StellarScreenshots winners!
🎨 Your Asp Explorer paint jobs have been added to your accounts!
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1674083064501108736
📷 Congratulations to this week's #StellarScreenshots winners!
🎨 Your Asp Explorer paint jobs have been added to your accounts!
🔗 Click here to learn how you can enter: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/stellarscreenshots-win-unique-paint-jobs.554842/
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1671548065457504259
Congratulations to this week's #StellarScreenshots winners!
Your Asp Explorer paint jobs have been added to your accounts!
[Video embedded in original tweet]
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1669020147565174790
📷 Congratulations to this week's #StellarScreenshots winners!
🎨 Your Asp Explorer paint jobs have been added to your accounts!
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1666461797468057603
📷 Congratulations to this week's #StellarScreenshots winners!
🎨 Your Asp Explorer paint job has been added to your account!
🔗 Learn how you can enter the competition here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/stellarscreenshots-win-unique-paint-jobs.554842/
[Video embedded in original tweet]
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1664208412354433026
Thargoid Titan #StellarScreenshots
#stellarscreenshots #elitedangerous #elitedangerousodyssey
📷 Congratulations to this week's #StellarScreenshots winners!
🎨 Your Asp Explorer paint job has been added to your accounts!
🔗 Click here to learn how you can enter: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/stellarscreenshots-win-unique-paint-jobs.554842/
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1661391882549710853
📷 Some amazing #StellarScreenshots this week! It was incredibly hard to pick just 10!
🎉 Congratulations to our chosen winners, your Asp Explorer paint jobs have been added to your accounts!
🔗 https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/stellarscreenshots-win-unique-paint-jobs.554842/
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1658850402157117441
You can't see it here, but CMDR Pendragon's hull is at 1% and cracks are spreading throughout the canopy of the Llamedos Jones. She is... not quite panicking. yet. But it's definitely brown trousers time
Seriously though #EliteDangerous. What a game. #StellarScreenshots
#elitedangerous #stellarscreenshots
Buckyball prep #StellarScreenshots
#stellarscreenshots #elitedangerous #elitedangerousodyssey
📷 Congratulations to this week's #StellarScreenshots winners!
🎨 Your Asp Explorer paint jobs have been added to your accounts!
🔗 Learn how you can enter the weekly #StellarScreenshots competition: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/stellarscreenshots-win-unique-paint-jobs.554842/
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1653782494007656453
📷 Congratulations to this week's #StellarScreenshots winners!
🎨 Your Asp Explorer paint jobs have been added to your account!
Learn more about how you can enter the #StellarScreenshots competition: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/stellarscreenshots-win-unique-paint-jobs.554842/
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1651259087345131520
Are you doing your bit?! CMDR Pendragon is doing hers! Letting off one lucky shot, Pendragon wins the conflict and, maybe, the war!
#elitedangerous #stellarscreenshots #videogames
CMDR Pendragon makes her way between damaged stations, evacuating refugees from thargoid-hit systems. While the missions are perilous, the journey is (always) beautiful
#elitedangerous #stellarscreenshots #videogames