35 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S6E18: The Naked Civil Surgeon
Wade and Kiley liberate their psyches during a study of OR infection vectors; Dr. Auschlander meets the son he never knew; Morrison and Novino grow closer as they work in the ICU; and Rosenthal adjusts to life in the chemical dependency unit.
Airdate: 1988-04-27
#StElsewhere #WilliamDaniels #NormanLloyd #NBC #ClassicTV
#stelsewhere #williamdaniels #normanlloyd #nbc #classictv
35 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S6E18: The Naked Civil Surgeon
Wade and Kiley liberate their psyches during a study of OR infection vectors; Dr. Auschlander meets the son he never knew; Morrison and Novino grow closer as they work in the ICU; and Rosenthal adjusts to life in the chemical dependency unit.
Airdate: 1988-04-27
#StElsewhere #WilliamDaniels #NormanLloyd #NBC #Television
#stelsewhere #williamdaniels #normanlloyd #nbc #television
35 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S6E17: Their Town
Dr. Craig, Ellen, Lizzie and Novino drive to Peterborough, New Hampshire to visit Dr. Westphall on his birthday; Ellen tries to deal with changes to her hometown; Novino stirs up a lady carpenter; Lizzie finally expresses her resentment; and Dr. Craig almost destroys his friendship with Dr. Westphal...
Airdate: 1988-04-20
#StElsewhere #WilliamDaniels #NormanLloyd #NBC #tvshows
#stelsewhere #williamdaniels #normanlloyd #nbc #tvshows
39 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S2E19: The Women
Three women in a room become close despite their differences; an old woman facing the loss of her independence; a mother trying to deal with violent surges of erratic behavior; and a bland young woman searching for 'character' through a nose job.
Airdate: 1984-03-28
#StElsewhere #BrendaVaccaro #BlytheDanner #NBC #ClassicTV
#stelsewhere #brendavaccaro #blythedanner #nbc #classictv
St Elsewhere Theme
#TVShow #80sTVShow #1980s #stelsewhere #boston #Retro #Vintage #Nostalgia #tv #tvtheme
#tvshow #80stvshow #1980s #stelsewhere #boston #retro #vintage #nostalgia #tv #tvtheme
40 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S1E16: The Count
Cavanero helps hide her patient, a porno movie star, from a process server; Armstrong worries about the ethics of a surgeon who does unnecessary heart surgery for kickbacks; Ehrlich and Fiscus nearly come to blows over their living arrangements; and Dr. Craig considers moving.
Airdate: 1983-03-08
#StElsewhere #NBC #ClassicTV
Meet France Nuyen, the beautiful Elaan of Troius, at Trek Long Island! France will be signing, available for photo ops, speaking on a Q&A and be on a special panel other guests from TOS. Purchase tickets and photos with France Nuyen now at Treklongisland.com!
#francenuyen #StarTrek #startrektheoriginalseries #startrekfans #StarTrekFamily #thejoyluckclub #agirlnamedtamiko #stelsewhere #diamondhead #columbo #startrektos #LLAP
#francenuyen #startrek #startrektheoriginalseries #startrekfans #StarTrekFamily #thejoyluckclub #agirlnamedtamiko #stelsewhere #diamondhead #Columbo #startrektos #llap
36 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S5E20: Women Unchained
Shirley Daniels returns to the hospital as a patient; Mrs. Craig offers Griffin a place to stay; Chandler and Novino compete to see who can correctly diagnose a difficult patient; and Ehrlich and Papandrao face wedding rumors when they return from Mexico.
Airdate: 1987-03-04
#StElsewhere #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#stelsewhere #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
38 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S3E20: Amazing Face
Dr. Westphall decides to sell his house; Andrea Fordham sees her new face for the first time; Shirley returns to the morgue where she shot Peter White; Rosenthal believes she's pregnant again; and Mrs. Hufnagle faces surgery.
Airdate: 1985-02-20
#StElsewhere #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#stelsewhere #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
39 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S2E14: Drama Center
A rape occurs in the hospital parking lot; White has trouble adjusting to his restricted status as does Tommy Westphall to the loss of his housekeeper; Cavanero must decide between the man in her life and her career; and a TV crew follows Dr. Craig around to film a documentary.
Airdate: 1984-02-15
#StElsewhere #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#stelsewhere #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
39 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S2E13: In Sickness and in Health
Joan's father enters the hospital unexpectedly; Chandler takes a practice run for the Boston Marathon that proves dangerous; and the Craigs host Ehrlich's wedding with guests such as Mrs. Craig's mother and Ehrlich's alcoholic aunt Charice.
Airdate: 1984-02-08
#StElsewhere #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#stelsewhere #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
35 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S6E14: Curtains
Morrison counsels a family about genetic testing and Huntington's disease; Rosenthal's drug problem causes a death; artist Alex Corey does a shocking piece of performance art; the Craigs proceed with their divorce and the hospital undergoes a name change.
Airdate: 1988-02-03
#StElsewhere #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#stelsewhere #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
37 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S4E12: The Boom Boom Womb
An anti-abortionist targets the hospital for bomb threats and Chandler is involved in trouble at the Boston Women's Clinic; Rosenthal decides what she must do with her youngest son; Luther loses his favorite racing pigeon, whom he left in Axelrod's care; and Morrison tries to explain abortion to Pru...
Airdate: 1986-01-08
#StElsewhere #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#stelsewhere #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
#AdamRich, best known for his role as Nicholas Bradford, the mop-top youngest child on 1977-1981 TV series #EightIsEnough, has died at 54. No cause of death has been determined. Rich also appeared in two 'Eight is Enough' TV movies. Other TV credits include #TheSixMillionDollarMan, #TheLoveBoat, #FantasyIsland, #CHiPs, #StElsewhere, #SilverSpoons, #SmallWonder & #Baywatch. Rich also had roles on film in #TheDevilAndMaxDevlin and #DickieRoberts: Former Child Star.
#adamrich #eightisenough #thesixmilliondollarman #theloveboat #fantasyisland #chips #stelsewhere #silverspoons #smallwonder #baywatch #thedevilandmaxdevlin #dickieroberts
37 years ago today:
St. Elsewhere
S4E12: The Boom Boom Womb
An anti-abortionist targets the hospital for bomb threats and Chandler is involved in trouble at the Boston Women's Clinic; Rosenthal decides what she must do with her youngest son; Luther loses his favorite racing pigeon, whom he left in Axelrod's care; and Morrison tries to explain abortion to Pru...
Airdate: 1986-01-08
#StElsewhere #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#stelsewhere #classictv #tv #television
Unless something changes with another of my interviews, my 2021 interview with William Daniels and Bonnie Bartlett will be the most-read interview on Solzy at the Movies for the second year in a row. It's been picking up a new round of traffic after the duo were just named as guests to attend #C2E2 2023 in #Chicago. #BoyMeetsWorld #1776Movie #1776Musical #StElsewhere #KnightRider #TV #film #movies #interview https://www.solzyatthemovies.com/2021/04/16/interview-with-william-daniels-and-bonnie-bartlett/
#interview #Movies #Film #TV #knightrider #stelsewhere #1776musical #1776movie #boymeetsworld #Chicago #c2e2
1) #StElsewhere
2) #bigbangtheory
3) #gameofthrones
4) #breakingbad
5) #HouseOfDragons
6) #cheers
7) #Batman with Adam West
#Batman #cheers #HouseOfDragons #breakingbad #gameofthrones #bigbangtheory #stelsewhere #7seriestoknowme