Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck · @justyourluck
400 followers · 1198 posts · Server masto.ai
joe•iuculano :mastodon: · @iuculano
647 followers · 18072 posts · Server masto.ai

A man known as the “ ” has become the latest person in the world to be cured of after a for treatment.
While there have been five other known cases of people who have been cured of HIV - meaning they have been declared in long-term remission - his case is so far unique. He’s the only one who received from a donor who does not have a rare gene mutation - - that blocks HIV from entering cells.


#genevapatient #hiv #stemcelltransplant #cancer #stemcells #ccr5 #cure #aids

Last updated 1 year ago

I danced today. That had not happened in a while.

Long story short, my allergies were gone, due to my stem cell transplant, but I think they crept back. I've started taking antihistamines again and I feel much better than I did.

As to why I did not think my allergies were back... Prior to the chemo if I did not take medicine I'd sneeze like a maniac. No sneezing now. Not sure why that is. 🤷 But I had other symptoms.

#dance #allergies #stemcelltransplant #chemo #sneeze #cancer

Last updated 2 years ago

I just took a nap. I think my levels are not *quite* what they used to be...

At the same time I remember when I was 27 and working in an office, I often needed an afternoon to make it through the day.

I'm 50 now, and I've had and a stem cell transplant. I don't think the need for naps is ever going to go away, especially when I'm like now.

I have brewing right now, however. 😛

#energy #nap #chemo #alone #kava #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #stemcelltransplant

Last updated 2 years ago

I got a coupon for my next poutine...

It expires on June 24th...


If you're French-Canadian or know French-Canadian culture, you know what that date is.


(Coincidentally, that's also the date of Day Zero when I got my stem cell transplant.)

#frenchcanadian #poutine #stemcelltransplant

Last updated 2 years ago

Science Magazine :press: · @ScienceMagazine
437 followers · 66 posts · Server press.coop

The Bcl-2 inhibitor can selectively deplete hematopoietic stem cells and reduce radiation doses during conditioning for in large animals, suggesting the drug could minimize toxicity and foster graft tolerance. @ScienceTM scim.ag/2jg

#venetoclax #stemcelltransplant #press

Last updated 2 years ago

Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
40 followers · 701 posts · Server me.dm

I've been sneezing today. I'm wondering if my seasonal allergies are back.

From what I've read a stem cell transplant will remove the allergies, but only for a while.

#allergy #stemcelltransplant

Last updated 2 years ago

Science Magazine :press: · @ScienceMagazine
415 followers · 57 posts · Server press.coop

The Bcl-2 inhibitor can selectively deplete hematopoietic stem cells and reduce radiation doses during conditioning for in large animals, suggesting the drug could minimize toxicity and foster graft tolerance. @ScienceTM scim.ag/2h3

#venetoclax #stemcelltransplant #press

Last updated 2 years ago

Phys.org · @physorg_bot
410 followers · 8875 posts · Server social.platypush.tech
Jon P · @jpp
265 followers · 882 posts · Server mastodon.nz

Son still in tonight. Meds changed to see if that allows his kidneys to recover. Hope this doesn't mess up the plan for in February... 🤞

#hospital #stemcelltransplant

Last updated 2 years ago

Clinton Lewis · @CWLBloodDoc
11 followers · 5 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

Looks like an is in order. I’m a commuter () and that also does and . and are my therapy. I’m also intrigued by and invested in . The more I see in practice the more I realize that the built environment and are intimately linked…so my posts and retweets are a mishmash.

#introduction #cyclist #ecargobike #dad #hematology #stemcelltransplant #food #gardening #urbanplanning #auckland #tamakimakaurau #health #design #Climate #policy

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter V. Tretter ✅ 🇨🇦 · @ap236
257 followers · 7864 posts · Server mastodon.social