I'm trying to attach a #DFRobot #Gravity accessory to a #RaspberryPi2040 through #StemmaQT (with the #Adafruit #JSTPH to #JSTSH adapter cable). When I connect it, the #Pi shuts off. I also have problems with the same cable and a StemmaQT accessory if I try to run it off a #Firebeetle #ESP32. I feel like I'm #DoingItWrong.
#dfrobot #gravity #raspberrypi2040 #stemmaqt #adafruit #jstph #jstsh #pi #firebeetle #esp32 #doingitwrong
our last test is always to plug in our 2.8" captouch TFT shield https://www.adafruit.com/product/1947 because it tests both SPI and I2C. this passes and since all the GPIO are accounted for, we just have to wrap up the silk and it's off to fabrication!
#adafruit #arduino #opensource #opensourcehardware #RP2040 #PrototypeTesting #ArduinoDesign #DevelopmentBoards #MicroSD #SPI #SDIO #SWDDebug #StemmaQT #12VDC #ShieldTesting #FabricationProcess
#adafruit #arduino #opensource #opensourcehardware #rp2040 #prototypetesting #arduinodesign #developmentboards #microsd #spi #SDIO #swddebug #stemmaqt #12vdc #shieldtesting #fabricationprocess
then we recently noticed that we could probably revive it, a few parts needed replacing: the 3.3V buck converter and the backlight booster both got discontinued, and we now add stemma QT ports on I2C-capable devices. what do you think this board does?
#adafruit #pcbdesign #stemmaqt #i2c #whatdoesthisboarddo
Here’s a weird side-ish project of mine. A STM32G0 as a coprocessor for #CircuitPython over #StemmaQT. I hope to get this polished up when CP 8 is in release candidate.