On this #8M commemoration day, I leave you with the following message:
Let's celebrate #WomenInScience! 💻🔬👩‍🔬 From Marie Curie to contemporary #scientists, they continue to lead the way. 💪🌟
#8m #womeninscience #scientists #stemwomen #inspiringfuturescientists
Inspirational women
#stemwomen #medicalwriters
To mark International Women's Day, The Nobel Prize are celebrating women who have changed the world. Visit their website to see all of the amazing women who have received the #NobelPrize and their remarkable achievements at the time of the award.
#medicalwriters #nobelprize #stemwomen
#stemwomen #medicaljournalist
The Women's Health Across the Lifespan Symposium is on 30th March 2023.
To honour International Women's Day they are offering an exclusive ÂŁ5 discount TODAY for 24 hours using the code IWD23 - Find out more: https://mynutriweb.com/womens-health-across-the-lifespan/?utm_source=ZohoCampaigns&utm_campaign=Womens_Health_Symposium_hit_2&utm_medium=email
Checking your breasts properly (3 of 3)
#stemwomen #breastcancer #thankscancer
[REPOSTING in correct order with missing cartoons]
#stemwomen #thankscancer #breastcancer
Checking your breasts properly (2 of 3)
#stemwomen #breastcancer #thankscancer
[REPOSTING in correct order with missing cartoons]
#breastcancer #stemwomen #thankscancer
Checking your breasts properly (1 of 2)
#stemwomen #breastcancer #thankscancer
[REPOSTING in correct order with missing cartoons]
This captivating educational poem created by totally telling tales,
empowering people to breast check. Original thread was on twitter: https://twitter.com/BreastCancerNow/st
[REPOSTING in correct order with missing cartoons]
#stemwomen #thankscancer #breastcancer
Checking your breast properly (3)
#stemwomen #breastcancer #thankscancer
It looks like Twitter may have removed the middle part of the thread because the cartoons were inappropriate!! Apologies, If I find them I will post them here.
#breastcancer #thankscancer #stemwomen
Checking your breasts properly (2 of 2)
#stemwomen #breastcancer #thankscancer
Second part of this captivating educational poem created by totally telling tales,
empowering people to breast check.
'This Is The Way To Examine Your Chest’ is a captivating educational resource to help promote regular breast checking and ensure people understand the signs and symptoms of breast cancer to look out for." - Manveet Basra, Breast Cancer Now
#stemwomen #breastcancer #thankscancer
Checking your breasts properly (1 of 2)
#stemwomen #breastcancer #thankscancer
This captivating educational poem created by totally telling tales,
empowering people to breast check. Original thread was on twitter: https://twitter.com/BreastCancerNow/status/1633181005304545280
#thankscancer #stemwomen #breastcancer
Space scientist Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock has just been honoured with her own Barbie doll 👏🏾
How lovely. Saw this on the bird site and had to share it further. Here is the thread:
How to REALLY examine your breasts
#breast cancer #stemwomen
Please see Dr Liz O'Riordan's video on how to properly examine your breasts.
Was Rosalind Franklin a victim of sexism in research?
28 February – 70th anniversary of the day Francis Crick walked into the Eagle pub in Bene’t St, Cambridge, and announced: “We have found the secret of life!” Had he and James Watson discovered the chemical structure of DNA  by nicking Rosalind Franklin’s data, though?
#Stem #medicalwriters #stemwomen
See the whole of the tweet thread here:
#stem #medicalwriters #stemwomen
Here's to celebrating The International Day of Women and Girls in Science
#STEM #STEMWomen #womenSTEM #Afghanistanwomen
The theme of this year's day is:
Innovate. Demonstrate. Elevate. Advance.
I.D.E.A.: Bringing communities Forward for sustainable and equitable development
The 8th International Day of Women and Girls in Science looks at sustainable development goals (SDG): SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), SDG 9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities).
These SDG are some of the UN's 17 global goals, see: https://sdgs.un.org/goals International Day of Women and Girls in Science aims to link the knowledge and expertise of women to the wider International Community and its applications for the 2030 agenda and its 17 global goals.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science also demonstrates the power of women to develop communities for the better. Without education for women, communities for men as well as women are compromised. Thoughts are with the women and girls of Afghanistan.
#stem #stemwomen #WomenSTEM #afghanistanwomen
Writing a scientific article: A step-by-step guide for beginners https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878764915001606
#research #STEM #stemwomen #medicalwriters
Guidelines for writing scientific papers.
[The above has been reproduced from Twitter because I have not seen it on Mastodon]
#stem #stemwomen #medicalwriters #research
For more information:
#Medicalwriters #STEM #STEMwomen
#medicalwriters #stem #stemwomen
Hannah Fry does not seem to be here, but we can share her texts; asked about why there are so few women in #mathematics, she says "It’s not one thing that makes women leave. It’s death by a thousand cuts." #orms #STEMwomen #STEM
#stem #stemwomen #orms #mathematics