Today in Labor History July 11, 1943: The nationalist Ukrainian Insurgent Army launched a massacre of Poles in Nazi-occupied Eastern Galicia. The attacks, which continued until 1945, targeted mostly women and children, and included rape, dismemberment and immolation. 50,000-100,000 died in the attacks, which were directly linked to the policies of the fascist Stepan Bandera's Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, whose goal was to purge all non-Ukrainians from the future Ukrainian state. Bandera is considered a hero by many of the Ukrainian nationalist militias that are currently active in the war with Russia, and many of them also subscribe to goal of purging Ukraine of all non-Ukrainians. In 2016, the Parliament of Poland passed a resolution recognizing the massacres as genocide.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #fascism #nazis #ukraine #StepanBandera #nationalism #poland #genocide #massacre #women #children #rape
#workingclass #LaborHistory #fascism #nazis #ukraine #stepanbandera #Nationalism #poland #genocide #massacre #women #children #rape
It's a tiresome job, but somebody's got to do it. In the new CounterVortex #podcast, we break down the latest entry in the relentless #RussianPropaganda campaign to portray #Ukraine as a "Nazi state." Was Zelensky really wearing the symbol of #StepanBandera's OUN, and was the OUN really "Hitler's most loyal ally"? Actually, no. Listen to this before you spread any more disinformation, #tankies. You're welcome.
#podcast #RussianPropaganda #ukraine #stepanbandera #tankies
@ModelUki2 Prof Timothy Snyder of Yale and Rossoliński-Liebe are both “Russian”? Who knew? FYI, Bandera and his fascist thugs were murdering Poles, Jews and anti-fascist Ukrainians even before the war. And ot was on the lands where USSR had no presence. I’d say that the habit of making fascist salutes and plans to exterminate opposition and ethnic minorities were also signs of his fascism. Working for Abwehr makes him a Nazi collaborator #fascism #stepanbandera @kravietz
@ModelUki2 @TheBigDemoDip Bandera was a fascist, a murderer and a Nazi collaborator whose organization mass murdered Poles, Jews and Ukrainians who opposed fascism. Was a relatively minor player, neither Hitler nor Stalin, but “Not perfect” is a bit of an understatement. Rossolinski’s biography provides a nice summary with extensive evidence. #stepanbandera
Ukrainian parliament (Rada) on Sunday, New Year’s Day, tweeted an image of Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, the head of its armed forces, under a portrait of fascist Stepan Bandera, whom he admittedly admires. During World War II, Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) participated in the Nazi-led genocide of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Polish Jews. Zaluzhnyi, himself, has been photographed numerous times with far-right imagery. The Ukrainian Parliament later removed the tweet, largely in response to protests by the far-right Polish government, which also has ties with fascists. Virtually no major press covered this.
Full Disclosure: I am not a Tankie. I do not support Putin or Russia or their invasion of Ukraine. I oppose imperialism by all nations and all forms of authoritarianism. Criticism of 1 party does not imply support for the opposing party. Sad that I must state this, but each time I post anything about Ukraine, I get accused of being a Tankie or an amplifier of Russian propaganda.
#ukraine #russia #fascism #stepanbandera #holocaust #antisemitism
#ukraine #russia #fascism #stepanbandera #holocaust #antisemitism
RT @TheIntlMagz
On the occasion of his 114th birthday, the Ukrainian parliament's house in #Kyiv honored #StepanBandera, a Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite.
Here is a thread on the infamous Bandera 🧵
If you ask me, Twitter needs to stay up as long as possible; otherwise, we'd miss out on this cavalcade of Ukrainians showing us who they really are:
#stepanbandera #nazicollaborators #fascists #nazis #ukraine
Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe's biography of #StepanBandera: A devastating portrait of the figurehead of Ukrainian fascism
#books #history #stepanbandera
🤣🤡💩 #Russia has imposed #sanctions against 100 #Canadian citizens.
Among them are actor #JimCarrey and #StepanBandera's grandson #StefanBandera.
#stefanbandera #stepanbandera #jimcarrey #canadian #sanctions #Russia
📌The 15th of October 1959 was a great day in history. Stepan Bandera, Ukrainian fascist criminal and #Nazi collaborator, was killed by a KGB agent in Munich. No mercy for any fascist or Nazi sympathizer. #StepanBandera
Guerra alla Zeta, e anche alla storia. - Silvana De Mari Community #Donbass #MycolaLebed #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #RussiaUcreina #StepanBandera #stragediOdessa #16luglio
#16luglio #stragediOdessa #stepanbandera #RussiaUcreina #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #MycolaLebed #donbass
Guerra alla Zeta, e anche alla storia. - Silvana De Mari Community #Donbass #MycolaLebed #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #RussiaUcreina #StepanBandera #stragediOdessa #14luglio
#14luglio #stragediOdessa #stepanbandera #RussiaUcreina #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #MycolaLebed #donbass
Guerra alla Zeta, e anche alla storia. - Silvana De Mari Community #Donbass #MycolaLebed #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #RussiaUcreina #StepanBandera #stragediOdessa #12luglio
#12luglio #stragediOdessa #stepanbandera #RussiaUcreina #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #MycolaLebed #donbass
Sehr interessantes #Interview von #HansJessen (#JungUndNaiv) mit dem Historiker Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe über #StepanBandera und die #ukrainische #OUN.
Webseite der Episode:
#interview #HansJessen #jungundnaiv #stepanbandera #ukrainische #OUN
Guerra alla Zeta, e anche alla storia. - Silvana De Mari Community #Donbass #MycolaLebed #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #RussiaUcreina #StepanBandera #stragediOdessa #10luglio
#10luglio #stragediOdessa #stepanbandera #RussiaUcreina #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #MycolaLebed #donbass
Guerra alla Zeta, e anche alla storia. - Silvana De Mari Community #Donbass #MycolaLebed #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #RussiaUcreina #StepanBandera #stragediOdessa #8luglio
#8luglio #stragediOdessa #stepanbandera #RussiaUcreina #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #MycolaLebed #donbass
Guerra alla Zeta, e anche alla storia. - Silvana De Mari Community #Donbass #MycolaLebed #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #RussiaUcreina #StepanBandera #stragediOdessa #6luglio
#6luglio #stragediOdessa #stepanbandera #RussiaUcreina #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #MycolaLebed #donbass
Guerra alla Zeta, e anche alla storia. - Silvana De Mari Community #Donbass #MycolaLebed #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #RussiaUcreina #StepanBandera #stragediOdessa #4luglio
#4luglio #stragediOdessa #stepanbandera #RussiaUcreina #OrganizzazionedeiNazionalistiUcraini #MycolaLebed #donbass
„In einem Interview mit der Sendung Jung & Naiv hat der ukrainische Botschafter in Deutschland, Andrej Melnyk, erneut den ukrainischen Faschisten, Antisemiten und Nazi-Kollaborateur Stepan Bandera verteidigt. Das kommt nicht überraschend. Melnyk ist ein bekannter Bandera-Verehrer.“
Ganzer Artikel:
#WSWS #AndrejMelnyk #Melnyk #Faschismus #Antisemitismus #Ukraine #Nazis #Bandera #StepanBandera
#wsws #AndrejMelnyk #Melnyk #faschismus #antisemitismus #ukraine #nazis #bandera #stepanbandera
„In einem Interview mit der Sendung Jung & Naiv hat der ukrainische Botschafter in Deutschland, Andrej Melnyk, erneut den ukrainischen Faschisten, Antisemiten und Nazi-Kollaborateur Stepan Bandera verteidigt. Das kommt nicht überraschend. Melnyk ist ein bekannter Bandera-Verehrer.“
Ganzer Artikel:
#WSWS #AndrejMelnyk #Melnyk #Faschismus #Antisemitismus #Ukraine #Nazis #Bandera #StepanBandera
#wsws #AndrejMelnyk #Melnyk #faschismus #antisemitismus #ukraine #nazis #bandera #stepanbandera