61 years ago:
The Third Lover (IT,FR)
Original title: L'Œil du Malin
The story of a journalist in southern Germany who stays with a novelist and his wife and gradually begins to destroy the young couple's lives.
#TheThirdLover #ClaudeChabrol #LaNouvelleVague #JacquesCharrier #StéphaneAudran #Film
#thethirdlover #claudechabrol #lanouvellevague #jacquescharrier #stephaneaudran #film
63 years ago:
The Good Girls (FR,IT)
Original title: Les bonnes femmes
Four Parisian women navigate the world of romance and daily life looking to fulfill their dreams.
#TheGoodGirls #ClaudeChabrol #LaNouvelleVague #BernadetteLafont #StéphaneAudran #ClassicMovies
#thegoodgirls #claudechabrol #lanouvellevague #bernadettelafont #stephaneaudran #classicmovies
40 years ago:
Deadly Circuit (FR)
Original title: Mortelle randonnée
A P.I. is obsessed with a cute woman, who seduces and kills rich men around W. Europe.
#DeadlyCircuit #ClaudeMiller #MichelSerrault #IsabelleAdjani #StéphaneAudran #Movies
#deadlycircuit #ClaudeMiller #michelserrault #isabelleadjani #stephaneaudran #movies
37 years ago:
The Gypsy (FR)
Original title: La Gitane
Hubert Durieux is a banker in a small French town who is struggling to keep up with the demands of all the women in his life. Just when things couldn’t get any worse, his precious white Citroën is stolen under his eyes by a beautiful gypsy girl, Mona.
#TheGypsy #ClaudeBrasseur #ValérieKaprisky #StéphaneAudran #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thegypsy #claudebrasseur #valeriekaprisky #stephaneaudran #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
35 years ago:
The Seasons of Pleasure (FR)
Original title: Les saisons du plaisir
Charles and Emmanuelle organize as every year, the congress of perfumers who distribute their products in their castle. Garibaldi, their mutilated and somewhat disturbed son-in-law, will be the butler.
#TheSeasonsofPleasure #StéphaneAudran #JeanLucBideau #RichardBohringer #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#theseasonsofpleasure #stephaneaudran #jeanlucbideau #richardbohringer #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
&, especially, as the cook in ‘babette’s feast’, in which she was active in service to others rather than passive to societal expectation.
#filmNoir #cinema #chabrol #france #stephaneAudran
#stephaneaudran #France #chabrol #cinema #filmnoir
merry audranniversaire, #stephane. #stephaneAudran #chabrol #CatsOfMastod #film #français #cinema
#cinema #francais #Film #catsofmastod #chabrol #stephaneaudran #StephanE