Book Review: ‘The Thousand Earths’
"Hackett wakes to a future in which the Sun is a white dwarf, Milkomeda is dying, and the rest of the Universe is beyond visibility, due to accelerated expansion driven by dark energy."
#sciencefiction #StephenBaxter
#stephenbaxter #sciencefiction
Hey folks - #Pratchat69, discussing #TerryPratchett and #StephenBaxter’s #TheLongUtopia, will be a bit late.
But since some of you wanted a quick refresher on the #LongEarth so far, here’s #PratchatPreviously, a little recap!
Let us know what you think - and whether you really do want @McKenzie_Ben to do this again in another year or so…
#pratchat69 #terrypratchett #stephenbaxter #thelongutopia #longearth #pratchatpreviously
It’s time for questions for #Pratchat69, The Long Utopia!
What do you want to ask us and guest Deanne Sheldon-Collins about #TerryPratchett and #StephenBaxter’s penultimate #LongEarth novel?
Get them in via reply, hashtag or usual channels by Saturday the 24th of June.
#pratchat69 #terrypratchett #stephenbaxter #longearth
Stephen Baxter - Evolution.
Ich soll keine Werbung machen aber ich muss einfach.
Passend zum Buch eine Grafik, die 4,6 Milliarden Jahre Erdzeit illustriert und auf den Daten der United States Geological Survey (USGS) aufbaut.
#Lesestoff #Evolution #StephenBaxter #ScienceFiction #SciFi #Leseratten #Buchtipp
#buchtipp #leseratten #scifi #sciencefiction #stephenbaxter #evolution #lesestoff
@MariNemo @demiller and #Sheena5 by #StephenBaxter
I'm terms of the best of Baxter, I would personally recommend Evolution, it's a hundred million year story of survival. The journey of our animal ancestors and our animal descendants.
In fact "Evolution" was the wrong title for the book, its far more about the passing of one generation to another than it is about adaption.
"Descent" would have been a better choice.
Okay, #introduction
I put it off because there is 🫧 where my memory should be. Hi, I'm Sygin. I'm queer, nonbinary and very, very not a man. Also depressed and anxious. I like video games, rats and making soup. Some sort of anarcho - collectivist because hierarchies rarely lead to good things and individualism is for chumps. Talk to me about #stephenbaxter books. I live on TERF island. It's been kind of rough, but I hope y'all are having at least an ok day.
Step “sideways” into the world(s) created by the combined forces of #terrypratchett and #StephenBaxter. SF with a twist.
#terrypratchett #stephenbaxter
Here's a quick pre-bedtime attempt at my own seven favourite authors...
Pratchett always had the top spot, others are interchangeable and often swap with other writers depending on where my head is at. Always love a bit of comedy though!
#terrypratchett #andyweir #neilgaiman #johnscalzi #nealstephenson #stephenbaxter #douglasadams #bookstadon #currentlyreading #sevenfavouriteauthors