52 years ago:
Marta (IT,ES)
A wealthy landowner haunted by the spectre of his dead mother has a fling with a beautiful fugitive who bears a striking resemblance to his missing wife, who may have been murdered.
#Marta #MarisaMell #StephenBoyd #HowardRoss #MarĂaLuisaSoriano #WomenInFilm #Movies
#marta #marisamell #stephenboyd #howardross #marialuisasoriano #womeninfilm #movies
65 years ago:
The Night Heaven Fell (FR,IT)
Original title: Les bijoutiers du clair de lune
Ursula finishes her studies and returns to her aunt Florentine and uncle, Ribera who is the count. She falls in love with Lambert, the killer of her uncle.
#TheNightHeavenFell #RogerVadim #BrigitteBardot #AlidaValli #StephenBoyd #VictoriaMercanton #WomenInFilm #ClassicFilm
#thenightheavenfell #rogervadim #brigittebardot #alidavalli #stephenboyd #victoriamercanton #womeninfilm #classicfilm
67 years ago:
The Man Who Never Was (UK)
The true story of a British effort to trick the Germans into weakening Sicily's defenses before the 1943 attack. A dead soldier is dressed as a British officer and outfitted with faked papers showing that the Allies were intending to invade occupied Greece. His body is put into the sea where it will...
#TheManWhoNeverWas #RonaldNeame #CliftonWebb #GloriaGrahame #StephenBoyd #Film
#themanwhoneverwas #ronaldneame #cliftonwebb #gloriagrahame #stephenboyd #film
59 years ago:
The Fall of the Roman Empire (US)
In the year 180 A.D. Germanic tribes are about to invade the Roman empire from the north. In the midst of this crisis ailing emperor Marcus Aurelius has to make a decission about his successor between his son Commodus, who is obsessed by power, and the loyal general Gaius Livius.
#TheFalloftheRomanEmpire #SophiaLoren #StephenBoyd #ChristopherPlummer #Paramount #ClassicFilm
#thefalloftheromanempire #sophialoren #stephenboyd #ChristopherPlummer #paramount #classicfilm
46 years ago:
Lady Dracula (DE)
A beautiful blonde bitten by Count Dracula 100 years previously is unearthed in Vienna, and soon she goes on a killing spree.
#LadyDracula #StephenBoyd #GiselaHaller #Horror #Film
#ladydracula #stephenboyd #giselahaller #horror #film