Love this from @newyorker & #stephenshore -
“The ease of digital photography offers the possibility of working with greater spontaneity and less inhibition. The other side of that coin is less intentionality. Unfortunately, that often seems to be the case, but a digital camera, even a phone, can be used with the same degree of attention as an eight-by-ten.”
How America’s Most Cherished Photographer Learned to See
New Yorker: How America’s Most Cherished Photographer Learned to See #NewYorker #Culture/TheNewYorkerInterview #DisableInlineSignupUnit #Culture/PhotoBooth #StephenShore #TheSeventies #Photography #Photos #Books
#newyorker #Culture #disableinlinesignupunit #stephenshore #theseventies #photography #photos #books
Strange Drugs (Macon, Georgia), 1972
~ Stephen Shore
#photography #stephenshore #1970s #macon #georgia
#Georgia #macon #1970s #stephenshore #Photography