Side note: I actually REALLY don't like going to Dave & Busters. It currently has the only operational #PumpItUp cab in my county, and it's surrounded by like 40,000 jackpot redemption games and bigger versions of games I have on my phone already.
If I want to play #StepManiaX, I'm not going to D&B. I'll go down to the indie operator that's a little out of the way. The same guy who's apparently such an arcade freak that they bought TWO exA-Arcadias.
Now, look, I actually really like #StepManiaX. Step Revolution is way more friendly to indie operators and they're run by ex-ITG people. And I like seeing Konami take the L.
On the other hand, if you take away people's access to DDR and give them SMX or PIU, they're going to hate it.
And all of this is because Dave & Busters is pinching pennies.
First time I’ve been able to do this since getting sick last year. Felt it hard today, and had to take breaks immediately after but nonetheless I can’t describe how much joy it gave me to be able to do something I love again. Here’s hoping that in the future I can do this as much as I want again.
#stepmaniax #ddr #dancedancerevolution #videogame #arcade #dancing #stepmania
#stepmaniax #ddr #dancedancerevolution #videogame #arcade #dancing #stepmania
I had a discussion with a friend today, where he said that #DDR had petered out in the early 2000s like #GuitarHero did in 2010. That's obviously wrong, but I realized why he thought that way.
You see, #Konami only sells cabinets to e-Amusement licensees. In the US that's exclusively Round1 and Dave & Busters. So every independent #arcade operator - i.e. the ones you're likely to just happen upon - either runs old DDR cabs, #PumpItUp, or #StepManiaX.
#ddr #guitarhero #konami #arcade #pumpitup #stepmaniax