Absolutely love this answer by Giannis Antetokounmpo about why he doesn’t see this season as a failure. 💪
Everyone needs to watch this.
Forward to anyone who has ever worked towards a goal but fell short.
“Even at the moment of your failure is an opportunity to reinvent yourself.”
I learned a bit ago that my fasting blood glucose was different than in the past ⚠️. I set a weekly reminder that day to check my fasting levels, and to remind myself of better eating habits.
I’m happy to report by the time the alert came up today I was already a bottle of water and an egg in, and I had said no to both cereal and a cinnamon roll.
#stepsToSuccess #bloodGlucose #health #healthy #dontWannaPayEliForInsulin
#stepstosuccess #bloodglucose #health #healthy #dontwannapayeliforinsulin