This was just unnecessary & targeted #ecocide #LoggerThugs ripping their rage out, against us #environmentalists 😪 We spent 3 months, building a low impact nature trail so ppl could visit more ancient trees. After we got violently extracted - they laughed & partied - as they ripped apart the low impact nature trails we spent several months to create.
We do what #BCgovernment #BCNDP #NEWDEATHPARTY fully failed to do!
#BCPoli #CanPoli #NewResistanceARMY #PNW #PacificNorthwest #StepUpOrShutUp
#ecocide #loggerthugs #environmentalists #bcgovernment #bcndp #newdeathparty #bcpoli #canpoli #newresistancearmy #pnw #pacificnorthwest #stepuporshutup