"gotta say, i do not like how lately i've been seeing #posts from #people who use a #person having colorfully dyed hair as a sort of shorthand for "#leftist who is actually secretly an asshole." like people making comments like "the girl with blue hair and perfect eyeliner wings is also the one who won't give up their seat for a disabled person on the bus". like we already have to deal with the #rightwing #fascists using "blue hair and pronouns" as a shorthand for "leftist (trans) person who is insufferable and oversensitive", can we please not turn brightly colored hair into a caricature in leftist circles as well. having brightly dyed hair is not some magic #symbol of "person who claims to be a leftist but is actually secretly an asshole". it is a #morally neutral trait. and while i'm not discounting #anyone's #experience with someone with brightly dyed hair who treated them badly, i think that turning it into some kind of shorthand for "asshole" is just going to ultimately hurt us more than it's going to help."
"it's also coupled with "#stereotypically het people who are actually the good ones" which at some point feels like a full circle into the status quo. Like to an extent I get that we want to remind people the signifiers of #queerness aren't necessary to be a progressive or good person, but I worry that we're just gonna end up recreating that one "gay people i don't respect" #meme."
#posts #people #person #leftist #rightwing #fascists #symbol #morally #anyone #experience #stereotypically #queerness #meme