· @NaturalNews
6226 followers · 31990 posts · Server brighteon.social
Resistance Chicks · @resistancechics
388 followers · 6459 posts · Server brighteon.social

LIVE 8/16/23 80pm EST REVELATION REDPILL EP25: Margaret Sanger, Eugenics, & Population Control Buckle up for what is likely to be the most controversial RRP episode yet! What do , eugenics, & all have in common? They are all about . The turn of the century saw an upheaval in American . Are making packs with the & ? Are the lies of 's founder & eugenicists alive & well in the body of Christ? What did the early church teach about children & the purpose of marriage? If, like the theory, Christians are believing in something that is less than 100 yrs old, wouldn't you like to know where this belief came from? You will not be the same after this show- God wants to unlock blessings you can't imagine! Watch!!!👇👇👇rumble.com/v38b0qd-rev....elat

#birthcontrol #sterilization #abortion #populationcontrol #churches #Conservative #christians #devil #moloch #plannedparenthood #margaretsanger #rapture

Last updated 1 year ago

· @pdougmc
44 followers · 2040 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

#sterilization #indigenous

Last updated 1 year ago

Mme Zabet (she/her) · @mmezabet
160 followers · 2556 posts · Server artisan.chat

I saw this elsewhere on the web and had to share.

If you've ever tried to get sterilized and had a gynecologist tell you that you're not old enough, don't have enough kids, that you'll actually regret it, or in any other way denied your bodily autonomy regarding voluntary sterilization, it could help you find a doctor who won't be a giant arsehole about it.


#tubal #tuballigation #sterilization #genecology #bodilyautonomy #childfree

Last updated 1 year ago

katzenberger · @katzenberger
200 followers · 1638 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

"Campaign for Uyghurs () commends the French Senate’s unanimous resolution banning the importation of products made with Uyghur forced labor […]

the French Senate has also recognized the testimonies of countless survivors and the overwhelming evidence pointing to arbitrary , , systematic , mass internment, forced , and the erasure of Uyghur identity and culture."


#france #china #humanrights #sterilization #rape #torture #arrests #cfu

Last updated 1 year ago

Kari · @kswenger
157 followers · 974 posts · Server mas.to

At least 600 people sterilized against their will in California are now eligible for compensation under a $4.5 million state initiative. The program sunsets at the end of 2023, but only 80 applications have been approved as of April 2023. truthout.org/articles/ca-strug


Last updated 1 year ago

Podcasts and Vodcasts · @podcastbot
1 followers · 471 posts · Server botsin.space

Skeptoid #61: Irradiation: Is Your Food Toxic? by Brian Dunning Food that has been sterilized with irradiation is not radioactive and will not hurt you.

#irradiation #ecoli #sterilization #radiation #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot

Last updated 2 years ago

Dissent Doe :cupofcoffee: · @PogoWasRight
1312 followers · 141 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Here's a health data breach notice that's a bit out of the ordinary:

The California Secretary of State announced that the state erroneously disclosed some historical records on the state's forced sterilization program that should not have been disclosed. After 75 years, those records become public records, but they accidentally included some records that were not that old in what they gave to a researcher.

You can read the full FAQ on the incident here: archives.cdn.sos.ca.gov/pdf/pr or sos.ca.gov/notice-privacy-inci. Note that there are occasional typo's --- the breach was in December 2022, not December 2023. :)

#privacy #confidentiality #sterilization #historical #publicrecords #medical #dataprotection #incidentresponse

Last updated 2 years ago

Poetry News · @haikubot
585 followers · 4487 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Oh, parents of little ones so small
Take care in sanitation's call
Let sterilization be your guide
To protect your child and keep them safe inside
For a deadly bacteria could affect your child
If you don't properly prepare and sterilize


#breastpumpsafety #sterilization #safeparenting #ode #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

Shawna_Lynns · @Shawna_lynns
65 followers · 2678 posts · Server brighteon.social

đź’‰I know is REAL
đź’‰Bc THEY Me
đź’‰I remember exactly WHEN & HOW it happened
đź’‰It is Seared INTO my Memory
đź’‰I never PLAYED w Dolls bc I ALWAYS KNEW what THEY DID to me
💉EveryOne tried to TELL me It wasn’t REAL
đź’‰THEY have DONE IT to ALLyour kidsTOO

#sterilized #sterilization

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
808 followers · 1397 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History February 20, 1905: The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Massachusetts's mandatory smallpox vaccination program in Jacobson v. Massachusetts. There were lots of problems early on with the vaccine. For one, they reused needles, causing the transfer of syphilis from infected to uninfected people. They also had problems with bacterial contamination of the vaccine that made some people sick. On the other hand, because of global mandatory vaccination programs, the disease was eradicated in 1977, the only human disease to be completely wiped out. By the mid-1950s, over 2 million people were dying worldwide annually.

With respect to personal freedom, the Court ruled in Jacobson that individual liberty is not absolute and is subject to the state’s use of police power. Consequently, Jacobson has been invoked in other Supreme Court cases to justify police power. The ruling led to a mobilization of the anti-vaccination movement and the creation of the Anti-Vaccination League of America. The Jacobson ruling was later invoked to support forced sterilization of those with intellectual disabilities (Buck v Bell, 1927); the federal partial abortion ban (Gonzales v Carhart, 2007); drug testing of students (Veronica School District v Acton, 1995); and, most recently, COVID mitigation mandates, like face masks and stay-at-home orders.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #smallpox #COVID19 #vaccination #vaccine #SCOTUS #liberty #mandates #masks #sterilization #ableism #eugenics #abortion #antivax #antiabortion

Last updated 2 years ago

Ellia Ivy McLeod · @elliaivyworld
115 followers · 730 posts · Server sfba.social

A perfect answer for people questioning your desire to not have children.
It's time we normalize elective sterilization.

"I would rather regret not having children than regret having them"

#nokids #sterilization #reproductiverights #bodyautonomy

Last updated 2 years ago

Miro Collas · @Miro_Collas
122 followers · 2101 posts · Server masto.ai

California tries to find 600 victims of forced sterilization for reparations | California | The Guardian

About 600 people alive today can’t have children because California’s government sterilized them either against their will or without their knowledge, and now the state is trying to find them so it can pay them at least $15,000 each in reparations.

#california #sterilization #reparations

Last updated 2 years ago

Raptor · @Raptorrrr
13 followers · 41 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Intro post/expanded bio so you can decide whether you want to follow me, or mute/block! Curate a comfy space for yourself!

(with fully informed consent! Forced sterilization is a horror)

she/her, cisgender, heterosexual, white, ex-liberal, grew up Christian. Assertive about standing against all domination bullshit that comes from these lanes, first and especially in myself and then a little more gently in others. Committed to learning how to wield my privilege in the service of those who have less, and mostly getting the fuck out of the way.

Fledgling far-leftist, so posts will sometimes contain liberal/neoliberal processing and deconstruction ("Wow I had XYZ really annoying neolib thought today come up because of societal brainwashing, here's how it's wrong and why I hate it"). Feel free to mute or block if you're years past that shit and it would annoy you to see. Hope I get there someday.

Continually trying to balance my misanthropic and humanistic tendencies. I believe people would irritate me far less if they weren't raised in a meritocratic society, but as it is now I am firmly an introvert.

Not liberal, not Democrat, still vote but not a fan of electoral politics. All politicians are disappointing so I don't really care to talk about them or hear about them. Goes for all famous/powerful/charismatic leader-type people really, unless you're posting coordinates about where we can go [hold up a nasty sign in their face]. Not a vegan; I support humane livestock farming and Indigenous foodways. Love cats but not hashtagging it because idk how much you'll see mine because they are Not Photogenic lol.

Depressed. Anxious. Chronic pessimist but I keep the doomer shit to a minimum in public spaces because I'm not trying to make life worse for other people. Ă“nen i-Estel Edain. Ăš-chebin estel anim. (Lord of the Rings Elvish for, "I give hope to [others]. I keep none for myself.")

The mental health field is sanist and oppressive, but I have been in a lot of therapy and counseling, so I'm well versed in interpersonal analysis ("why would someone do this/say this/think this?") because I analyze myself like that a lot. Monogamously partnered, continuously practicing improving my communication skills with him. Located in the United States Rust Belt. Work full-time, wish I had more energy for reading theory and all that other stuff I'm apparently supposed to be doing, but I'm mostly just exhausted.

Wordy. Analytical. Overly serious but will also try to post shit that makes me laugh. Thank you to my instance for their generous character limit :)

#leftist #Anarchist #anticapitalist #antifa #antifascist #communist #depression #dissociation #therapy #counseling #analytical #exvangelical #feminist #childfree #sterilization #introvert #millennial

Last updated 2 years ago

Pramod Kumr · @pramodkmr
0 followers · 3 posts · Server mstdn.social

Sterilization Technology Market To Generate $17,313.7 Million in 2030

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The market valued $9,313.7 million in 2021, and it is projected to advance at a rate of 7.1%, to generate $17,313.7 million revenue in 2030. The rising number of hospital-acquired infection cases, surging volume of surgeries, and increasing sterile pharmaceutical product demand propel the industry.

#Technology #sterilization

Last updated 2 years ago

Marion LĂĽttig · @maluettig
127 followers · 130 posts · Server muenchen.social
bioneers · @bioneers
17 followers · 52 posts · Server mas.to
Shawna_Lynns · @Shawna_lynns
54 followers · 1999 posts · Server brighteon.social

I LOVE BOTH & đź’”
🙏Working ToGether
🙏to STOP 💔
🙏& SAVE All
đź’”from LIVES of & & Etc &
đź’”w concoctions

#depopulation #eugenics #poisoning #transhumanism #autism #disability #sterilization #children #SADS #humanity #DeSantis #Trump

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Newstarget
1960 followers · 17917 posts · Server brighteon.social