Heartwarming: saw a big burly white dude with big bushy greying sideburns and a pony tail, wearing worn jeans and big boots and a black shirt that said “PROTECT TRANS KENTUCKIANS.” #SanFrancisco #PattiSmith #SternGrove
#sanfrancisco #pattismith #sterngrove
I was initially in favor of the new #SternGrove ticket reservation system since it seemed more humane (and accessible) than the old “get there hella early and stand in line for hours ” approach. But damn, these tickets are getting snapped up instantly. #SF
I saw Lyle Lovett and His Large Band perform yesterday afternoon at Stern Grove in San Francisco. It was a fantastic show in an intimate venue on a typical SF summer afternoon (i.e. it was cold & foggy). Here are some videos I took at the show.
#LyleLovett #SternGrove #SternGroveFestival #SanFrancisco #LiveMusic #Americana
#lylelovett #sterngrove #sterngrovefestival #sanfrancisco #livemusic #americana
Another beautiful day at #SternGrove in #sanfrancisco. Lyle Lovett and his Large Band. Just as good as when I last saw him in the mid ‘90s.
I never learn... I went to see the Indigo Girls at Stern Grove Sunday, and sat near the speaker stack. My ears are still ringing. Next time I bring earplugs.
#sterngrove #music #concerts #musicfestivals #amplifiers
This is going to be red hot. Free show as always at Stern Grove.
back down the #MollyTuttle rabbit hole we go ~ hadn’t seen this one previously, pro-shot full-show video from Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway at #SternGrove ~ July 10, 2022
“Relentless storms caused a giant eucalyptus tree to fall on the Trocadero Clubhouse in #SanFrancisco’s #SternGrove, destroying the elegant 19th century historic landmark.” #CAwx https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/bay-area-winter-storm-causes-tree-fall-s-f-17834018.php
#sanfrancisco #sterngrove #cawx